Man pages for PAFit
Generative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks

as.PAFit_netConverting an edgelist matrix to a PAFit_net object
ComplexNetCoauthorA collaboration network between authors of papers in the...
from_igraphConvert an igraph object to a PAFit_net object
from_networkDynamicConvert a networkDynamic object to a PAFit_net object
generate_BASimulating networks from the generalized Barabasi-Albert...
generate_BBSimulating networks from the Bianconi-Barabasi model
generate_ERSimulating networks from the Erdos-Renyi model
generate_fit_onlySimulating networks from the Caldarelli model
generate_netSimulating networks from preferential attachment and fitness...
generate_simulated_data_from_estimated_modelGenerating simulated data from a fitted model
get_statisticsGetting summarized statistics from input data
graph_from_fileRead file to a PAFit_net object
graph_to_fileWrite the graph in a PAFit_net object to file
JeongJeong's method for estimating the preferential attachment...
joint_estimateJoint inference of attachment function and node fitnesses
NewmanCorrected Newman's method for estimating the preferential...
only_A_estimateEstimating the attachment function in isolation by PAFit...
only_F_estimateEstimating node fitnesses in isolation
PAFit_oneshotEstimating the nonparametric preferential attachment function...
PAFit-packageGenerative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks
plot_contributionPlotting contributions calculated from the observed data and...
plot.Full_PAFit_resultPlotting the estimated attachment function and node fitness
plot.PAFit_netPlot a 'PAFit_net' object
plot.PAFit_resultPlotting the estimated attachment function and node fitness...
plot.PA_resultPlotting the estimated attachment function
print.CV_dataPrinting simple information of the cross-validation data
print.CV_ResultPrinting simple information of the cross-validation result
print.Full_PAFit_resultprinting information on the estimation result
print.PAFit_dataPrinting simple information on the statistics of the network...
print.PAFit_netPrinting simple information of a 'PAFit_net' object
print.PAFit_resultprinting information on the estimation result stored in a...
print.PA_resultPrinting information of the estimated attachment function
summary.CV_DataPrinting summary information of the cross-validation data
summary.CV_ResultOutput summary information of the cross-validation result
summary.Full_PAFit_resultSummary information on the estimation result
summary.PAFit_dataOutput summary information on the statistics of the network...
summary.PAFit_netSummary information of a 'PAFit_net' object
summary.PAFit_resultOutput summary information on the estimation result stored in...
summary.PA_resultSummary of the estimated attachment function
test_linear_PAFitting various distributions to a degree vector
to_igraphConvert a PAFit_net object to an igraph object
to_networkDynamicConvert a PAFit_net object to a networkDynamic object
PAFit documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:06 a.m.