Jeong: Jeong's method for estimating the preferential attachment...

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JeongR Documentation

Jeong's method for estimating the preferential attachment function


This function estimates the preferential attachment function by Jeong's method.


Jeong(net_object                               , 
      net_stat  = get_statistics(net_object)   , 
      T_0_start = 0                            ,
      T_0_end   = round(net_stat$T * 0.75)     ,
      T_1_start = T_0_end + 1                  ,
      T_1_end   = net_stat$T                   ,
      interpolate = FALSE)



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summerized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. Default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Positive integer. The starting time-step of the T_0_interval. Default value is 0.


Positive integer. The ending time-step of T_0_interval. Default value is round(net_stat$T * 0.75).


Positive integer. The starting time-step of the T_1_interval. Default value is T_0_end + 1.


Positive integer. The ending time-step of T_1_interval. Default value is net_stat$T.


Logical. If TRUE then all the gaps in the estimated PA function are interpolated by linear interpolating in logarithm scale. Default value is FALSE.


Outputs an PA_result object which contains the estimated attachment function. In particular, it contains the following field:

  • k and A: a degree vector and the estimated PA function.

  • center_k and theta: when we perform binning, these are the centers of the bins and the estimated PA values for those bins.

  • g: the number of bins used.

  • alpha and ci: alpha is the estimated attachment exponenet \alpha (when assume A_k = k^\alpha), while ci is the confidence interval.

  • loglinear_fit: this is the fitting result when we estimate \alpha.


Thong Pham


1. Jeong, H., Néda, Z. & Barabási, A. . Measuring preferential attachment in evolving networks. Europhysics Letters. 2003;61(61):567–572. (\Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1209/epl/i2003-00166-9")}).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summerized statistics needed in this function.

See Newman and only_A_estimate for other methods to estimate the attachment function in isolation.


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Jeong(net, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- result$center_k
  #plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result , net_stats)
  lines(result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")

PAFit documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:06 a.m.