#' @title Calculate the Wigner-Ville Transform of a Signal
#' @description Calculates the Wigner-Ville transform a signal. By default, the
#' signal will be zero-padded to the next power of two before computing the
#' transform, and creates an NxN matrix where N is the zero-padded length.
#' Note that this matrix can get very large for larger N, consider shortening
#' longer signals.
#' @details This code mostly follows Pamguard's Java code for computing the
#' Wigner-Ville and Hilbert transforms.
#' @param signal input signal waveform
#' @param n number of frequency bins of the output, if NULL will be the next power of two
#' from the length of the input signal (recommended)
#' @param sr the sample rate of the data
#' @param plot logical flag whether or not to plot the result
#' @return a list with three items. \code{tfr}, the real values of the wigner
#' transform as a matrix with \code{n} rows and number of columns equal to the next
#' power of two from the length of the input signal. \code{f} and \code{t}
#' the values of the frequency and time axes.
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{}
#' @examples
#' clickWave <- createClickWave(signalLength = .05, clickLength = 1000, clicksPerSecond = 200,
#' frequency = 3e3, sampleRate = 10e3)
#' wt <- wignerTransform(clickWave@left, n = 1000, sr = 10e3, plot=TRUE)
#' @importFrom fftw FFT IFFT
#' @importFrom graphics axis image
#' @importFrom scales viridis_pal
#' @export
wignerTransform <- function(signal, n=NULL, sr, plot=FALSE) {
if(inherits(signal, 'Wave')) {
sr <- signal@samp.rate
signal <- signal@left / 2^(signal@bit - 1)
if(inherits(signal, 'WaveMC')) {
sr <- signal@samp.rate
signal <- signal@.Data[, 1] / 2^(signal@bit - 1)
analytic <- toAnalytic(signal)[1:length(signal)] # size changed during toAnalytic function
conjAnalytic <- Conj(analytic)
if(is.null(n)) {
n <- nextExp2(length(analytic))
nRow <- n # nFreq bins
nCol <- length(analytic) # nTimesteps
# nCol <- n # nTimesteps
tfr <- matrix(0, nRow, nCol)
for(iCol in 1:nCol) {
taumax <- min(iCol-1, nCol-iCol, round(nRow/2)-1)
# cat('Max', iCol + taumax,
# 'Min', iCol-taumax, '\n')
tau <- -taumax:taumax
indices <- (nRow + tau) %% nRow + 1
# * .5 in PG?
tfr[indices, iCol] <- analytic[iCol+tau] * conjAnalytic[iCol-tau] / 2
tau <- round(nRow/2)
if(iCol + tau <= nCol &&
iCol - tau >= 1) {
# PG is like this, wv.wge is just the same fucking thing???
tfr[tau+1, iCol] <- (analytic[iCol+tau] * conjAnalytic[iCol-tau] +
analytic[iCol-tau] * conjAnalytic[iCol+tau])/2
# tfr <- apply(tfr, 2, fft)
tfr <- apply(tfr, 2, FFT)
result <- list(tfr=Re(tfr), t=1:nCol/sr, f=sr/2*1:nRow/nRow)
if(plot) {
image(t(result$tfr), xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
ylab='Frequency (kHz)', xlab = 'Time (ms)',
col = viridis_pal()(25), useRaster=TRUE)
xPretty <- pretty(result$t, n=5)
# axis(1, at = 1:4/4, labels = round(1e3*max(result$t)*1:4/4, 3))
axis(1, at=xPretty / max(result$t), labels=xPretty*1e3)
yPretty <- pretty(result$f, n=5)
# axis(2, at = 1:4/4, labels = round(max(result$f)*1:4/4/1e3, 1))
axis(2, at = yPretty / max(result$f), labels=yPretty/1e3)
toAnalytic <- function(signal) {
# Get analytic signal using Hilbert transform
len <- length(signal)
# next power of 2 to zero pad
newLen <- nextExp2(len)
newSignal <- c(signal, rep(0, newLen-len))
hMult <- get1221(newLen)
# fft(fft(newSignal) * hMult / len, inverse = TRUE) # possibly scale by len???? only done in real version in PG
IFFT(FFT(newSignal) * hMult)# / len)
nextExp2 <- function(x) {
# Take either the length as an int, or length of thingy
if(length(x) != 1) x <- length(x)
logTwo <- log2(x)
ceil <- ceiling(logTwo)
# bitwShiftL(1, ceil)
2 ^ ceil
get1221 <- function(x) {
rep(2, x/2 - 1),
rep(0, x/2 - 1))
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