addFPOD: Add FPOD Detector to an AcousticStudy

View source: R/addFPOD.R

addFPODR Documentation

Add FPOD Detector to an AcousticStudy


Adds data from FPOD detector CSV files to an AcousticStudy object as new detectors of type "fpod"


addFPOD(x, fpod, detectorName = "FPOD")



an AcousticStudy object


path(s) to CSV files containing FPOD detector output


name for the detector, the default 'FPOD' should be fine unless you want to differentiate between multiple FPOD detectors


FPOD detections are added to events based on their times. All detections between the start and end times events. NOTE: most PAMpal functions were designed with only PAMGuard data in mind, there is a chance that adding FPOD detections will cause other advanced functionality to not work.

Behavior is slightly different depending on how the original AcousticStudy was created. For those processed with mode='db', the start and end times for each event are just determined by the times of detections within the event.

For those processed with mode='recording' or mode='time', the start and end times for each event are determined by the start/end times of the recording files or the grouping file provided initially. This means that it is possible that there are events which initially had zero PAMGuard detections that now have FPOD detections. In these cases a new AcousticEvent will be created that only has FPOD detections, these events may not work with a variety of other PAMpal functions.


the same object as x with FPOD detector data added


Taiki Sakai

PAMpal documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:31 p.m.