aalenjohansen: Calculate the Aalen-Johansen (1978) estimate in the Competing...

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aalenjohansenR Documentation

Calculate the Aalen-Johansen (1978) estimate in the Competing risk context. See Aalen, Odd O., and Søren Johansen. "An Empirical Transition Matrix for Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains Based on Censored Observations." Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5, no. 3 (1978): 141-50. Accessed January 15, 2021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4615704.


Calculate the Aalen-Johansen (1978) estimate in the Competing risk context. See Aalen, Odd O., and Søren Johansen. "An Empirical Transition Matrix for Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains Based on Censored Observations." Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5, no. 3 (1978): 141-50. Accessed January 15, 2021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4615704.


aalenjohansen(times, causes)



Event times.


Causes, with 0 coded as censored, 1 as cause of interest, other for competing.


a list with components

  • times Unique times

  • surv Aalen-Johansen estimator for cause 1.

PHInfiniteEstimates documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 9:06 a.m.