
Defines functions pl_get_baf

Documented in pl_get_baf

# Block Assignment Files

#' Download 2020 Block Assignment Files for a State
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' From the Census: "The Block Assignment Files (BAFs) are among the geographic
#' products that the Census Bureau provides to states and other data users
#' containing the small area census data necessary for legislative
#' redistricting.  The BAFs contain Census tabulation block codes and geographic
#' area codes for a specific geographic entity type."
#' @param abbr the state abbreviation to get the BAF for
#' @param geographies the geographies to get. Defaults to all available.
#' @param cache_to the file name, if any, to cache the results to (as an RDS).
#'   If a file exists and `refresh=FALSE`, will read BAF from this file.
#' @param refresh if `TRUE`, force a re-download of the BAF data.
#' @return A list of [tibble]s, one for each available BAF geography.
#' @examples
#' pl_get_baf("RI")
#' pl_get_baf("RI", "VTD")
#' @concept advanced
#' @export
pl_get_baf = function(abbr, geographies=NULL, cache_to=NULL, refresh=FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(cache_to) && file.exists(cache_to) && !refresh) {

    fips = match_fips(abbr)
    base_name = str_glue("BlockAssign_ST{fips}_{abbr}")

    zip_url = str_glue("https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/baf2020/{base_name}.zip")
    zip_path = withr::local_tempfile(fileext ="baf")
    zip_dir = dirname(zip_path)
    success = download_census(zip_url, zip_path)
    if (!success) {
        message("Download did not succeed. Try again.")

    files = utils::unzip(zip_path, list=TRUE)$Name
    utils::unzip(zip_path, exdir=zip_dir)
    out = list()
    for (fname in files) {
        geogr = str_match(fname, paste0(base_name, "_([A-Z_]+)\\.txt"))[,2]
        if (!is.null(geographies) && !(geogr %in% geographies)) next
        table = readr::read_delim(file.path(zip_dir, fname), delim="|",
                                  progress=interactive(), lazy = FALSE)
        # check final column is not all NA
        if (!all(is.na(table[[ncol(table)]]))) {
            out[[geogr]] = table

    if (!is.null(cache_to)) {
        saveRDS(out, file=cache_to, compress="gzip")


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PL94171 documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 1:06 a.m.