Man pages for PLMIX
Bayesian Analysis of Finite Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models for Partial Rankings/Orderings

as.top_orderingCoercion into top-ordering datasets
bicPLMIXBIC for the MLE of a mixture of Plackett-Luce models
binary_group_indBinary group membership matrix
d_apaAmerican Psychological Association Data (partial orderings)
d_carconfCar Configurator Data (partial orderings)
d_dublinwestDublin West Data (partial orderings)
d_gamingGaming Platforms Data (complete orderings)
d_germanGerman Sample Data (complete orderings)
d_nascarNASCAR Data (partial orderings)
d_occupOccupation Data (complete orderings)
d_riceRice Voting Data (partial orderings)
freq_to_unitIndividual rankings/orderings from the frequency distribution
gibbsPLMIXGibbs sampling for a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
gsPLMIX_to_mcmcMCMC class objects from the Gibbs sampling simulations of a...
is.top_orderingTop-ordering datasets
label_switchPLMIXLabel switching adjustment of the Gibbs sampling simulations...
loglikelihoodLikelihood and log-likelihood evaluation for a mixture of...
make_completeCompletion of partial rankings/orderings
make_partialCensoring of complete rankings/orderings
mapPLMIXMAP estimation for a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
mapPLMIX_multistartMAP estimation for a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models...
paired_comparisonsPaired comparison matrix for a partial ordering/ranking...
PLMIX-packageBayesian Analysis of Finite Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models...
plot.gsPLMIXPlot the Gibbs sampling simulations for a Bayesian mixture of...
plot.mpPLMIXPlot the MAP estimates for a Bayesian mixture of...
ppcheckPLMIXPosterior predictive check for Bayesian mixtures of...
ppcheckPLMIX_condConditional posterior predictive check for Bayesian mixtures...
print.gsPLMIXPrint of the Gibbs sampling simulation of a Bayesian mixture...
print.mpPLMIXPrint of the MAP estimation algorithm for a Bayesian mixture...
rank_ord_switchSwitch from orderings to rankings and vice versa
rank_summariesDescriptive summaries for a partial ordering/ranking dataset
rPLMIXRandom sample from a mixture of Plackett-Luce models
selectPLMIXBayesian selection criteria for mixtures of Plackett-Luce...
summary.gsPLMIXSummary of the Gibbs sampling procedure for a Bayesian...
summary.mpPLMIXSummary of the MAP estimation for a Bayesian mixture of...
unit_to_freqFrequency distribution from the individual rankings/orderings
PLMIX documentation built on Sept. 4, 2019, 5:03 p.m.