
#' Example datasets
#' This data list, \code{example.data}, includes three datasets generated based on Saturation mutagenesis results (M. Kircher, et al.,2019) and the DeepSEA features (Zhou & Troyanskaya, 2015).
#' The training and testing datasets in the data list include binary response vectors, which are truncations of the P values of tissue K562 from the Saturation mutagenesis results,
#' and reduced versions of the DeepSEA features for a faster computational demonstration.
#'@usage data(example.data)
#' @format The \code{example.data$train.data} and \code{example.data$test.data} are dataframes with 220 and 100 observations and 146 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{response}{A binary response vector}
#'   \item{features}{Standardized 145 DeepSEA features}
#' }

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PO.EN documentation built on Aug. 19, 2020, 9:06 a.m.