
Defines functions pbvamix pbvmix pbvanlog pbvnlog pbvalog pbvlog pbvgpd rbvamix rbvmix rbvanlog rbvnlog rbvalog rbvlog rbvgpd

Documented in pbvalog pbvamix pbvanlog pbvgpd pbvlog pbvmix pbvnlog rbvalog rbvamix rbvanlog rbvgpd rbvlog rbvmix rbvnlog

#   Copyright (c) 2014 Mathieu Ribatet                                                                                                  
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                                               
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                                         
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                                                   
#   (at your option) any later version.                                                                                                            
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                                             
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                          
#   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                 
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                                                                                    
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                           
#   along with this program; if not, write to the                                                                                           
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                                                                                              
#   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA                                                             

##A generic function to simulate from a bivariate extreme value
rbvgpd <- function(n, alpha, model = "log", asCoef, asCoef1,
                   asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1){
  if (missing(alpha))
    stop("``alpha must be present.")

  if ((model %in% c("alog", "anlog")) && (missing(asCoef1) ||
    stop("``asCoef1'' and ``asCoef2'' must be present.")

  if ((model == "amix") && missing(asCoef))
    stop("``asCoef'' must be present.")

  if ((model %in% c("log", "alog")) && ((alpha <= 0) ||
                                        (alpha > 1)))
    stop("``alpha'' must be in ]0, 1] with this model.")

  if ((model %in% c("nlog", "anlog")) && (alpha <= 0))
    stop("``alpha'' must be positive with this model.")

  if ((model == "mix") && ((alpha < 0) || (alpha > 1)))
    stop("``alpha'' must be in [0,1] with this model.")

  if ((model == "amix") &&
      ((alpha < 0) || (alpha + 2 * asCoef >1) ||
       (alpha + 3 * asCoef < 0)))
    stop("``alpha'' and ``asCoef'' are not valid. See the doc.")

  if ((model == "amix")){
    alpha <- alpha + 3 * asCoef
    asCoef <- - asCoef

  alpha <- as.double(alpha)

         log = rbvlog(n = n, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2),
         alog = rbvalog(n = n, alpha = alpha, asCoef1 = asCoef1,
           asCoef2 = asCoef2, mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2),
         nlog = rbvnlog(n = n, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2),
         anlog = rbvanlog(n = n, alpha = alpha, asCoef1 = asCoef1,
           asCoef2 = asCoef2, mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2),
         mix = rbvmix(n = n, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2),
         amix = rbvamix(n = n, alpha = alpha, asCoef = asCoef,
           mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2)

##Uses Algorithm 1.1 in Stephenson(2003)
rbvlog <- function(n, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0 ||
     alpha > 1) stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvlog_shi, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            sim = double(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has unit Frechet margins, thus
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])


## Uses Algorithm 1.2 in Stephenson(2003)
rbvalog <- function(n, alpha, asCoef1, asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                    mar2 = mar1){
  asy <- c(asCoef1, asCoef2)
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0 ||
     alpha > 1) stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  if(length(asy) != 2 || mode(asy) != "numeric" || min(asy) < 0 ||
     max(asy) > 1) stop("invalid argument for `asy'")
  if(alpha == 1 || any(asy == 0)) {
    asy <- c(0,0)
    alpha <- 1
  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvalog_shi, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            as.double(asy), sim = double(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has unit Frechet margins, thus
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])


rbvnlog <- function(n, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0)
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvnlog, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            sim = runif(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has uniform(0,1) margins, thus convert them to unit
  ##Frechet ones
  sim <- - 1 / log(sim)
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])


rbvanlog <- function(n, alpha, asCoef1, asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                     mar2 = mar1){
  asy <- c(asCoef1, asCoef2)
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0)
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvanlog, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            as.double(asy), sim = runif(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has uniform(0,1) margins, thus convert them to unit
  ##Frechet ones
  sim <- - 1 / log(sim)
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])

rbvmix <- function(n, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric")
        stop("invalid argument for ``alpha''")

  if (alpha < 0)
    stop("``alpha'' must be non-negative")

  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvmix, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            sim = runif(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has uniform(0,1) margins, thus convert them to unit
  ##Frechet ones
  sim <- - 1 / log(sim)
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])


rbvamix <- function(n, alpha, asCoef, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                    mar2 = mar1){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric")
        stop("invalid argument for ``alpha''")

  if (alpha < 0)
    stop("``alpha'' must be non-negative")

  if((alpha + asCoef) > 1)
    stop("``alpha'' + ``asCoef'' cannot be greater than one")
  if((alpha + 2*asCoef) > 1)
    stop("`alpha' + `2*asCoef' cannot be greater than one")
  if((alpha + 3*asCoef) < 0)
    stop("`alpha' + `3*asCoef' must be non-negative")
  sim <- .C(POT_do_rbvamix, as.integer(n), as.double(alpha),
            as.double(asCoef), sim = runif(2*n))$sim
  sim <- matrix(sim, nrow = n, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  ##sim has uniform(0,1) margins, thus convert them to unit
  ##Frechet ones
  sim <- - 1 / log(sim)
  sim[,1] <- frech2gpd(sim[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  sim[,2] <- frech2gpd(sim[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])


##A generic function to compute (non) exceedande probabilities for
##bivariate POT models
pbvgpd <- function(q, alpha, model = "log", asCoef, asCoef1,
                   asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1,
                   lower.tail = TRUE){
  if (missing(alpha))
    stop("``alpha must be present.")

  if ((model %in% c("alog", "anlog")) && (missing(asCoef1) ||
    stop("``asCoef1'' and ``asCoef2'' must be present.")

  if ((model == "amix") && missing(asCoef))
    stop("``asCoef'' must be present.")

  if ((model %in% c("log", "alog")) && ((alpha <= 0) ||
                                        (alpha > 1)))
    stop("``alpha'' must be in ]0, 1] with this model.")

  if ((model %in% c("nlog", "anlog")) && (alpha <= 0))
    stop("``alpha'' must be positive with this model.")

  if ((model == "mix") && ((alpha < 0) || (alpha > 1)))
    stop("``alpha'' must be in [0,1] with this model.")

  if ((model == "amix") &&
      ((alpha < 0) || (alpha + 2 * asCoef >1) ||
       (alpha + 3 * asCoef < 0)))
    stop("``alpha'' and ``asCoef'' are not valid. See the doc.")

  if ((model == "amix")){
    alpha <- alpha + 3 * asCoef
    asCoef <- - asCoef

  alpha <- as.double(alpha)

         log = pbvlog(q = q, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2, lower.tail = lower.tail),
         alog = pbvalog(q = q, alpha = alpha, asCoef1 = asCoef1,
           asCoef2 = asCoef2, mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2,
           lower.tail = lower.tail),
         nlog = pbvnlog(q = q, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2, lower.tail = lower.tail),
         anlog = pbvanlog(q = q, alpha = alpha, asCoef1 = asCoef1,
           asCoef2 = asCoef2, mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2,
           lower.tail = lower.tail),
         mix = pbvmix(q = q, alpha = alpha, mar1 = mar1,
           mar2 = mar2, lower.tail = lower.tail),
         amix = pbvamix(q = q, alpha = alpha, asCoef = asCoef,
           mar1 = mar1, mar2 = mar2, lower.tail = lower.tail)

pbvlog <- function(q, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1,
                   lower.tail = TRUE){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0 ||
     alpha > 1) stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")

  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)

  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])
  v <- apply(q^(-1/alpha), 1, sum)^alpha
  pp <- exp(-v)
    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp

pbvalog <- function(q, alpha, asCoef1, asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                    mar2 = mar1, lower.tail = TRUE){

  asy <- c(asCoef1, asCoef2)
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0 ||
     alpha > 1) stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  if(length(asy) != 2 || mode(asy) != "numeric" || min(asy) < 0 ||
     max(asy) > 1) stop("invalid argument for `asy'")
  if(alpha == 1 || any(asy == 0)) {
    asy <- c(0,0)
    alpha <- 1
  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)

  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])

  asy <- rep(asy,rep(nrow(q),2))
  v <- apply((q/asy)^(-1/alpha), 1, sum)^alpha +
    apply((1-asy) / q, 1, sum)
  pp <- exp(-v)
    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp

pbvnlog <- function(q, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1,
                    lower.tail = TRUE){
  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0)
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)
  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])
  v <- apply(1/q, 1, sum) - apply(q^alpha, 1, sum)^(-1/alpha)
  pp <- exp(-v)
    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp

pbvanlog <- function(q, alpha, asCoef1, asCoef2, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                    mar2 = mar1, lower.tail = TRUE){

  asy <- c(asCoef1, asCoef2)

  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric" || alpha <= 0)
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")
  if(length(asy) != 2 || mode(asy) != "numeric" || min(asy) < 0 ||
     max(asy) > 1)
    stop("invalid argument for `asy'")
  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)

  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])

  asy <- rep(asy,rep(nrow(q),2))
  v <- apply( 1/q, 1, sum) - apply((q/asy)^alpha, 1, sum)^(-1/alpha)
  pp <- exp(-v)

    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp

pbvmix <- function(q, alpha, mar1 = c(0,1,0), mar2 = mar1,
                   lower.tail = TRUE){

  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric")
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")

  if((alpha < 0) || (alpha > 1))
    stop("`alpha' must be in [0,1].")

  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)

  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])

  v <- apply( 1/q, 1, sum) - alpha / apply(q, 1, sum)
  pp <- exp(-v)

    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp

pbvamix <- function(q, alpha, asCoef, mar1 = c(0,1,0),
                    mar2 = mar1, lower.tail = TRUE){

  if(length(alpha) != 1 || mode(alpha) != "numeric")
    stop("invalid argument for `alpha'")

  if(length(asCoef) != 1 || mode(asCoef) != "numeric")
    stop("invalid argument for `asCoef'")
  if(alpha < 0)
    stop("`alpha' must be non-negative.")

  if((alpha + asCoef) > 1)
    stop("`alpha' + `asCoef' cannot be greater than one")
  if((alpha + 2*asCoef) > 1)
    stop("`alpha' + `2*asCoef' cannot be greater than one")
  if((alpha + 3*asCoef) < 0)
    stop("`alpha' + `3*asCoef' must be non-negative")
  if(is.null(dim(q))) dim(q) <- c(1,2)

  q[,1] <- gpd2frech(q[,1], mar1[1], mar1[2], mar1[3])
  q[,2] <- gpd2frech(q[,2], mar2[1], mar2[2], mar2[3])

  coef <- c(alpha + asCoef, alpha + 2 * asCoef)
  dim(coef) <- c(1,2)
  v <- apply( 1/q, 1, sum) - apply(coef*q, 1, sum) /
    apply(q, 1, sum)^2
  pp <- exp(-v)

    pp <- 1 - pgpd(1/q[,1], lower.tail = FALSE) -
      pgpd(1/q[,2], lower.tail = FALSE) + pp


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