mk_even_graph: Constructs an even graph

mk_even_graphR Documentation

Constructs an even graph


~~ Methods for function mk_even_graph. Each of these return an instance of even_graph, where all nodes are of even degree. The result satisfies is_even_graph. The resulting graph yields an euler tour.


self = "graphNEL",use_weights=TRUE,add_edges=TRUE

This is the workhorse method. If self does not satisfy is_even_graph, the graph is forced to be even by one of the folowing. If add_edges is TRUE, the odd nodes are paired off and a new edge added between each pair, possibly duplicating an existing edge. If add_edges is a vector of the odd nodes, they are paired off in this order. If add_edges is FALSE a new dummy node is added with edges going to all odd nodes.

self = "matrix",use_weights=TRUE,add_edges=TRUE

first constructs a complete graph using mk_complete_graph, which is then augmented to be even.

self = "numeric",use_weights=FALSE,add_edges=TRUE

first constructs a complete graph using mk_complete_graph, which is then augmented to be even.

self = "ANY",use_weights=TRUE,add_edges=TRUE

first constructs a complete graph using mk_complete_graph, which is then augmented to be even.

self = "even_graph",add_edges=TRUE

returns self.


see overview

See Also

mk_complete_graph, is_even_graph

PairViz documentation built on Aug. 12, 2022, 5:06 p.m.