PandemicLP: Long Term Prediction for Epidemic and Pandemic Data

Implementation of the methodology described in <> which can be also found in help(models). Implemented models are currently the Poisson distribution. The mean function can be the basic generalized logistic form, or the seasonal effect which has under- or over-reporting effects in up to three weekdays, or the two curves form. Bayesian inference is made available through the 'stan' software and its diagnostic functions pool can be used. Plot methods are implemented to mimic the graphics from the 'shiny' app in the URL using the 'plotly' library.

Package details

AuthorDébora de Freitas Magalhães [aut], Marta Cristina Colozza Bianchi da Costa [aut], Guido Alberti Moreira [cre, aut] (<>), Thais Pacheco Menezes [aut], Marcos Oliveira Prates [ctb] (<>)
MaintainerGuido Alberti Moreira <>
URL <>
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the PandemicLP package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PandemicLP documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:22 p.m.