
Defines functions handle_bootstrap_placebo_parallel handle_bootstrap_placebo

Documented in handle_bootstrap_placebo handle_bootstrap_placebo_parallel

#' handle_bootstrap_placebo
#' Helper function for calculating bootstrapped estimates for the placebo test. This version is not parallelized.
#' @param qoi.in String specifying qoi
#' @param data.in data.frame object with the data
#' @param number.iterations integer. specifies number of bootstrap iterations
#' @param att.treated.unit.ids Integer vector specifying the treated units for the att or art
#' @param atc.treated.unit.ids Integer vector specifying the "treated" units under the atc definition
#' @param outcome.variable string specifying the name of the outcome variable
#' @param unit.id.variable string specifying the name of the unit id variable
#' @param confidence.level double. specifies confidence level for confidence interval
#' @param lag integer vector specifying size of the lag.
#' @return Returns a matrix of bootstrapped QOI estimate values.
#' @keywords internal
handle_bootstrap_placebo <- function(qoi.in, 

    if ( identical(qoi.in, "att") ||
         identical(qoi.in, "atc") ||
         identical(qoi.in, "art"))
      coefs <- matrix(NA, 
                      nrow = number.iterations, 
                      ncol = length(placebo.lead))
      for (k in 1:number.iterations)
        # make new data
        clusters <- unique(data.in[, unit.id.variable])
        units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
        if (identical(qoi.in, "att") || 
            identical(qoi.in, "art"))
          treated.unit.ids <- att.treated.unit.ids
        } else {
          treated.unit.ids <- atc.treated.unit.ids
        while (all(!units %in% treated.unit.ids)) #while none of the units are treated units, resample
          units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
        # build the bootstrap samples
        df.bs <- lapply(units,
                        function(x) which(data.in[, unit.id.variable] == x))
        d.sub1 <- data.in[unlist(df.bs),]
        y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                                (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
        z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", qoi.in)]
        col.idx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                          function(x) paste0("Wit_", qoi.in, x))
        # calculate the point estimate(s) using the bootstrap sample
        at__new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[, col.idx, drop = FALSE],
                                         y = y.in,
                                         z = z.in)
        if (identical(qoi.in, "atc")) at__new <- -at__new
        coefs[k,] <- at__new
    } else if (identical(qoi.in, "ate")) 
    { #ate special because it requires both att and atc calculation
      coefs <- matrix(NA, 
                      nrow = number.iterations, 
                      ncol = length(placebo.lead))
      for (k in 1:number.iterations)
        # make new data
        clusters <- unique(data.in[, unit.id.variable])
        units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
        while(all(!units %in% att.treated.unit.ids) || 
              all(!units %in% atc.treated.unit.ids)) #while none of the units are treated units (att and atc), resample
          units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace=TRUE)
        ## build data for doing att and atc
        df.bs <- lapply(units, 
                        function(x) which(data.in[, unit.id.variable] == x))
        d.sub1 <- data.in[unlist(df.bs),]
        y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                                (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
        z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", "att")]
        tidx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                       function(x) paste0("Wit_", "att", x))
        att_new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[,tidx, drop = FALSE],
                                         y = y.in, z = z.in)
        y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                                (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
        z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", "atc")]
        tidx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                       function(x) paste0("Wit_", "atc", x))
        atc_new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[, tidx, drop = FALSE], 
                                         y = y.in, z = z.in)
        atc_new <- -atc_new
        # construct the ate estimates from the att and atc estimates
        coefs[k,] <- (att_new*sum(d.sub1$dits_att) + 
          (sum(d.sub1$dits_att) + sum(d.sub1$dits_atc))
    } else {
      stop("invalid qoi")

#' handle_bootstrap_placebo_parallel
#' Helper function for calculating bootstrapped estimates for the placebo test. This version is parallelized.
#' @param qoi.in String specifying qoi
#' @param data.in data.frame object with the data
#' @param number.iterations integer. Specifies number of bootstrap iterations
#' @param att.treated.unit.ids Integer vector specifying the treated units for the att or art
#' @param atc.treated.unit.ids Integer vector specifying the "treated" units under the atc definition
#' @param outcome.variable string specifying the name of the outcome variable
#' @param unit.id.variable string specifying the name of the unit id variable
#' @param confidence.level double. specifies confidence level for confidence interval
#' @param lag integer vector specifying size of the lag.
#' @param num.cores number of cores to be used for parallelization
#' @return Returns a matrix of bootstrapped QOI estimate values.
#' @keywords internal
handle_bootstrap_placebo_parallel <- function(qoi.in, 
                                     num.cores = 1) 
  if (identical(num.cores, 1))
    warning("Only 1 core specified for paralleization. Did you mean to specify more?")
  if ( identical(qoi.in, "att") ||
       identical(qoi.in, "atc") ||
       identical(qoi.in, "art"))
    coefs <- matrix(NA, 
                    nrow = number.iterations, 
                    ncol = length(placebo.lead))
    #initialize k
    k <- NA
    coefs <- foreach::foreach(k = 1:number.iterations, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
      # make new data
      clusters <- unique(data.in[, unit.id.variable])
      units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
      if (identical(qoi.in, "att") || 
          identical(qoi.in, "art"))
        treated.unit.ids <- att.treated.unit.ids
      } else {
        treated.unit.ids <- atc.treated.unit.ids
      while (all(!units %in% treated.unit.ids)) #while none of the units are treated units, resample
        units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
      # build the bootstrap samples
      df.bs <- lapply(units,
                      function(x) which(data.in[, unit.id.variable] == x))
      d.sub1 <- data.in[unlist(df.bs),]
      y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                              (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
      z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", qoi.in)]
      col.idx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                        function(x) paste0("Wit_", qoi.in, x))
      # calculate the point estimate(s) using the bootstrap sample
      at__new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[, col.idx, drop = FALSE],
                                       y = y.in,
                                       z = z.in)
      if (identical(qoi.in, "atc")) at__new <- -at__new
      coefs[k,] <- at__new
  } else if (identical(qoi.in, "ate")) 
  { #ate special because it requires both att and atc calculation
    coefs <- matrix(NA, 
                    nrow = number.iterations, 
                    ncol = length(placebo.lead))
    k <- NA    
    coefs <- foreach::foreach(k = 1:number.iterations, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
      # make new data
      clusters <- unique(data.in[, unit.id.variable])
      units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace = TRUE)
      while(all(!units %in% att.treated.unit.ids) || 
            all(!units %in% atc.treated.unit.ids)) #while none of the units are treated units (att and atc), resample
        units <- sample(clusters, size = length(clusters), replace=TRUE)
      ## build data for doing att and atc
      df.bs <- lapply(units, 
                      function(x) which(data.in[, unit.id.variable] == x))
      d.sub1 <- data.in[unlist(df.bs),]
      y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                              (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
      z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", "att")]
      tidx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                     function(x) paste0("Wit_", "att", x))
      att_new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[,tidx, drop = FALSE],
                                       y = y.in, z = z.in)
      y.in <- d.sub1[, paste0(outcome.variable, "l", 
                              (placebo.lead - 1)), drop = FALSE]
      z.in <- d.sub1[, paste0("dits_", "atc")]
      tidx <- sapply(placebo.lead - 2, 
                     function(x) paste0("Wit_", "atc", x))
      atc_new <- equality_four_placebo(d.sub1[, tidx, drop = FALSE], 
                                       y = y.in, z = z.in)
      atc_new <- -atc_new
      # construct the ate estimates from the att and atc estimates
      coefs[k,] <- (att_new*sum(d.sub1$dits_att) + 
        (sum(d.sub1$dits_att) + sum(d.sub1$dits_atc))
  } else {
    stop("invalid qoi")
  rownames(coefs) <- NULL
  colnames(coefs) <- NULL

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