Defines functions parse_palette parse_flows parse_nodes fix_NAs

Documented in parse_flows parse_nodes parse_palette

fix_NAs <- function(df) {
  # replace any NA's in character columns by empty strings
  for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {
    coltype <- class(df[[i]])
    if (coltype=="character") {
      idx <- is.na(df[[i]])
      if (any(idx)) df[[i]][idx] <- ""

#' Parse the information from a 'nodes' definition table.
#' This function checks the content of a nodes definition,
#' and appends some missing columns.
#' It is mainly used internally, but can be invoked by the uses to see what it does.
#' @param nodes data.frame containing the nodes definition
#' @param verbose logical: print some information?
#' @return modified nodes data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n0 <- data.frame(ID=c("A","B"), x=1:2, y=0)
#' str(n0)
#' n1 <- parse_nodes(n0)
#' str(n1)
parse_nodes <- function(nodes, verbose=FALSE) {
  check_nodes(nodes) # Basic checking (ID, x, y)

  if (! "label" %in% names(nodes)) nodes$label <- nodes$ID
  .check_field(nodes, "label", c("character","factor"), "chr")

  if (! "dir" %in% names(nodes)) nodes$dir <- "right"
  .check_field(nodes, "dir", c("character","factor"), "chr")

  if (! "label_pos"    %in% names(nodes)) nodes$label_pos    <- "auto"
  if (! "label_anchor" %in% names(nodes)) nodes$label_anchor <- "auto"
  if (! "label_align"  %in% names(nodes)) nodes$label_align  <- "auto"
  .check_field(nodes, "label_pos",    c("character","factor"), "chr")
  .check_field(nodes, "label_anchor", c("character","factor"), "chr")
  .check_field(nodes, "label_align",  c("character","factor"), "chr")

  if (! "mag_pos"    %in% names(nodes)) nodes$mag_pos    <- "auto"
  if (! "mag_anchor" %in% names(nodes)) nodes$mag_anchor <- "auto"
  if (! "mag_align"  %in% names(nodes)) nodes$mag_align  <- "auto"
  .check_field(nodes, "mag_pos",    c("character","factor"), "chr")
  .check_field(nodes, "mag_anchor", c("character","factor"), "chr")
  .check_field(nodes, "mag_align",  c("character","factor"), "chr")

  nodes <- fix_NAs(nodes) # replace any NA in <chr> columns (tibble issue)

  # remove empty lines
  ok <- nchar(nodes$ID)>0
  nodes <- nodes[ok,]

  # replace empty anchor/align entries by "auto"
  for (cn in c("label_anchor","label_align","mag_anchor","mag_align")) {
    idx <- nodes[[cn]] == ""
    nodes[[cn]][idx] <- "auto"

  # Magnitude label: "auto" by default
  idx <- nodes$mag_pos==""
  nodes$mag_pos[idx] <- "auto"

  # make sure x,y columns use 3.14 convention, not 3,14
  if (class(nodes$x)=="character") nodes$x <- gsub(",",".", nodes$x)
  if (class(nodes$y)=="character") nodes$y <- gsub(",",".", nodes$y)

  # Handle hidden nodes
  nodes$hidden <- grepl("^\\.[[:alnum:]_]+", nodes$ID) #check for dot at start
  nodes$ID <- gsub("^\\.","", nodes$ID)                # Remove dot

  # check for uniqueness of nodes
  IDcount <- table(nodes$ID)
  for (i in 1:length(IDcount)) {
    if (IDcount[i] > 1) {
      msg <- sprintf("Duplicate node '%s'", names(IDcount)[i])
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # Check validity of node directions
  allowable_dirs <- c("left","right","up","down","stock","bottom")
  nnode <- nrow(nodes)
  for (i in 1:nnode) {
    if (! nodes$dir[i] %in% allowable_dirs) {
      msg <- sprintf("Invalid node direction '%s'", nodes$dir[i])
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # report and exit
  msg <- sprintf("Parsed %d nodes.", nnode)
  if (verbose) message(msg)

#' Parse the information from a 'flows' definition table.
#' This function checks the content of a flows definition,
#' and appends some missing columns.
#' It is mainly used internally, but can be invoked by the uses to see what it does.
#' @param flows data.frame containing the nodes definition
#' @param verbose logical: print some information?
#' @return modified flows data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Q0 <- data.frame(from="A", to="B", qty=10) # Note 'qty' as alias for quantity
#' str(Q0)
#' Q1 <- parse_flows(Q0)
#' str(Q1)
parse_flows <- function(flows, verbose=FALSE) {

  # Basic check (from/to/quantity)

  # Allow 'qty' alias for quantity
  if (! "quantity" %in% names(flows)) {
    idx <- match("qty", names(flows))
    if (is.na(idx)) stop("Flows column quantity missing and no alias present. Should not happen!")
    names(flows)[idx] <- "quantity"

  if (! "substance" %in% names(flows)) flows$substance="<any>"
  .check_field(flows, "substance", c("character","factor"), "chr")

  # remove empty lines
  ok    <- is.finite(flows$quantity)
  flows <- flows[ok,]
  nflow <- nrow(flows)

  flows <- fix_NAs(flows) # replace any NA in <chr> columns (tibble issue)

  # fill up empty placeholders for "from", "to" and "substance"
  fill_down <- function(vec) {
    missing <- function(x) { is.na(x) || x=="" }
    for (i in 1:nflow) if (missing(vec[i])) vec[i] <- vec[i-1]

  flows$from      <- fill_down(flows$from)
  flows$to        <- fill_down(flows$to)
  flows$substance <- fill_down(flows$substance)

  # count
  nnode <- length(unique(c(flows$from, flows$to)))
  nsubs <- length(unique(flows$substance))

  # report and exit
  msg <- sprintf("Parsed %d flows for %d substance types between %d nodes.", nflow, nsubs, nnode)
  if (verbose) message(msg)

#' Parse the information from a 'palette' definition table.
#' This function checks the content of a palette definition,
#' and appends some missing columns.
#' It is mainly used internally, but can be invoked by the uses to see what it does.
#' @param palette data.frame containing the palette definition
#' @param verbose logical: print some information?
#' @return modified palette data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p0 <- data.frame(substance="any", color="red")
#' str(p0)
#' p1 <- parse_palette(p0)
#' str(p1) # Should be the same!
parse_palette <- function(palette, verbose=TRUE) {

  # Basic checking: substance/color

  # check for uniqueness of substances
  subs <- palette$substance
  ns <- length(subs)
  if (ns>1) {
    for (i in 2:ns) {
      s <- subs[i]
      if (s %in% subs[1:(i-1)]) {
        msg <- sprintf("Duplicate palette entry for substance '%s'", s)


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PantaRhei documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 5:08 p.m.