
# Returns a set of indices providing column indices belonging to the bordering
# region to the region of interest.  Returning a length-0 vector is allowed
# (i.e. there is no bordering region).
# border is either "none", "all", or a numeric vector of length 1 or 2.  regIdx
# is a sorted numeric vector providing the indices of the region of interest.
# ms_nc is a scalar providing the number of columns in the data.

filterMS_border_idx <- function(border, regIdx, ms_nc) {

    # case: border is either "all" or "none".  Set borIdx to the appropriate
    # values.
    if ( is.character(border) ) {
        if ( identical(border, "all") ) {
            borIdx <- setdiff(seq_len(ms_nc), regIdx)
        else if ( identical(border, "none") ) {
            borIdx <- integer(0)
        else {
            stop("Shouldn't reach here!  Please send a bug report")

    # case: border is numeric (specifies the size of the border to either side
    # of the region of interest.  Call filterMS_border_idx_num to handle to set
    # borIdx to the appropriate values.
    else {
        bsize <- as.integer(border)
        borIdx <- filterMS_border_idx_num(bsize, regIdx, ms_nc)

    return (borIdx)

# Returns a set of indices providing column indices belonging to the bordering
# region to the region of interest.  Returning a length-0 vector is allowed
# (i.e. there is no bordering region).
# bsize is a numeric vector of length 1 or 2.  regIdx is a sorted numeric vector
# providing the indices of the region of interest.  ms_nc is a scalar providing
# the number of columns in the data.

filterMS_border_idx_num <- function(bsize, regIdx, ms_nc) {

    if ( !(identical(length(bsize), 1L) || identical(length(bsize), 2L)) ) {
        stop("If border is of mode numeric then it must have length 1 or 2", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( identical(length(bsize), 1L) ) {
        bsize <- rep(bsize, 2L)

    if (any(bsize < 0L)) {
        stop("If border is of mode numeric, then the values must be nonnegative", call.=FALSE)

    ## Create border index variable.  bef_seq is the indices of the
    ## border to the left of the region of interest, aft_seq is the indices of
    ## the border to the right of the region of interest.

    # reg_lo: the smallest index in the region of interest
    reg_lo <- min(regIdx)
    # case: the size of the left bordering region is > 0 and there are columns
    # to the left of the region of interest.
    if ((reg_lo > 1L) && (bsize[1L] >= 1L)) {
        bef_lo <- max(1L, reg_lo - bsize[1L])
        bef_hi <- reg_lo - 1L
        bef_seq <- seq(bef_lo, bef_hi)
    # case: there is no bordering region to the left
    else {
        bef_seq <- integer(0)

    # reg_hi: the largest index the region of interest
    reg_hi <- max(regIdx)
    # case: the size of the right bordering region is > 0 and there are columns
    # to the rightof the region of interest.
    if ((reg_hi < ms_nc) && (bsize[2L] >= 1L)) {
        aft_lo <- reg_hi + 1L
        aft_hi <- min(reg_hi + bsize[2L], ms_nc)
        aft_seq <- seq(aft_lo, aft_hi)
    # case: there is no bordering region to the right
    else {
        aft_seq <- integer(0)

    # bordering region indices
    c(bef_seq, aft_seq)

# Ensure that user input to filterMS is valid

filterMS_check_valid <- function(msObj, region, border, bord_ratio, min_inten, max_chg) {

    ## Check for missing arguments

    all_var_nm <- c("msObj", "region", "border", "bord_ratio", "min_inten", "max_chg")
    for (var_nm in all_var_nm) {
        if (!eval(substitute(hasArg(var_nm)))) {
            stop("Must provide an argument for ", var_nm, call.=FALSE)
        # Check that an object exists for provided argument
        tryCatch(get(var_nm), error = function(err) {
            err <- as.character(err)
            obj_nm <- regmatches(err, gregexpr("(?<=\')(.*?)(?=\')", err, perl=TRUE))[[1L]]
            stop("object \'", obj_nm, "\' not found for ", var_nm, call.=FALSE)

    ## Check msObj

    if (! inherits(msObj, "msDat")) {
        stop("msObj must be of class \"msDat\"", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check region

    if ( !(is.character(region) || is.numeric(region)) ) {
        stop("region must be either of mode character or numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if (length(region) == 0L) {
        stop("region must have length > 0", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check border

    if ( !(is.character(border) || is.numeric(border)) ) {
        stop("border must be an atomic vector with either ",
             "mode character or mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( is.character(border) && !(identical(border, "all") || identical(border, "none")) ) {
        stop("If border is of type character, then it must ",
             "have value \"all\" or \"none\"", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( is.numeric(border) ) {
        if ( !(identical(length(border), 1L) || identical(length(border), 2L)) ) {
            stop("border must have length 1 or 2", call.=FALSE)
        else if (anyNA(border)) {
            stop("border cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)
        else if ( any(as.integer(border) < 0L) ) {
            stop("The value of border must be greater than or equal to 0", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check bord_ratio

    if ( !is.numeric(bord_ratio) ) {
        stop("bord_ratio must be of mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( !identical(length(bord_ratio), 1L) ) {
        stop("bord_ratio must be of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    else if (anyNA(bord_ratio)) {
        stop("bord_ratio cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)
    else if (bord_ratio < 0) {
        stop("bord_ratio must be nonnegative", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check min_inten

    if ( !is.numeric(min_inten) ) {
        stop("min_inten must be of mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( !identical(length(min_inten), 1L) ) {
        stop("min_inten must be of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    else if (anyNA(min_inten)) {
        stop("min_inten cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check max_chg

    if ( !is.numeric(max_chg) ) {
        stop("max_chg must be of mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( !identical(length(max_chg), 1L) ) {
        stop("max_chg must be of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    else if (anyNA(max_chg)) {
        stop("max_chg cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)

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PepSAVIms documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:16 p.m.