aaComp: Compute the amino acid composition of a protein sequence

View source: R/aaComp.R

aaCompR Documentation

Compute the amino acid composition of a protein sequence


This function calculates the amount of amino acids of a particular class and classified as: Tiny, Small, Aliphatic, Aromatic, Non-polar, Polar, Charged, Basic and Acidic based on their size and R-groups using same function implemented in EMBOSS 'pepstat'. The output is a matrix with the number and percentage of amino acids of a particular class





An amino-acid sequence


Amino acids are zwitterionic molecules with an amine and a carboxyl group present in their structure. Some amino acids possess side chains with specific properties that allow grouping them in different ways. The aaComp function classifies amino acids based on their size, side chains, hydrophobicity, charge and their response to pH 7.


The output is a matrix with the number and percentage of amino acids of a particular class:

  • Tiny (A + C + G + S + T)

  • Small (A + B + C + D + G + N + P + S + T + V)

  • Aliphatic (A + I + L + V)

  • Aromatic (F + H + W + Y)

  • Non-polar (A + C + F + G + I + L + M + P + V + W + Y)

  • Polar (D + E + H + K + N + Q + R + S + T + Z)

  • Charged (B + D + E + H + K + R + Z)

  • Basic (H + K + R)

  • Acidic (B + D + E + Z)


This function was originally written by Alan Bleasby (ajb@ebi.ac.uk) for the EMBOSS package. Further information: http://emboss.sourceforge.net/apps/cvs/emboss/apps/pepstats.html


Rice, Peter, Ian Longden, and Alan Bleasby. "EMBOSS: the European molecular biology open software suite." Trends in genetics 16.6 (2000): 276-277.


# http://emboss.bioinformatics.nl/cgi-bin/emboss/pepstats
# Property      Residues              Number  Mole%
# Tiny          (A+C+G+S+T)             4   19.048
# Small         (A+B+C+D+G+N+P+S+T+V)   4   19.048
# Aliphatic     (A+I+L+V)               5   23.810
# Aromatic      (F+H+W+Y)               5   23.810
# Non-polar     (A+C+F+G+I+L+M+P+V+W+Y) 11  52.381
# Polar         (D+E+H+K+N+Q+R+S+T+Z)   9   42.857
# Charged       (B+D+E+H+K+R+Z)         8   38.095
# Basic         (H+K+R)                 8   38.095
# Acidic        (B+D+E+Z)               0   00.000

## AA composition of PDB: 1D9J Cecropin Peptide

## Output
#           Number  Mole %
# Tiny           4 19.048
# Small          4 19.048
# Aliphatic      5 23.810
# Aromatic       5 23.810
# NonPolar      11 52.381
# Polar          9 42.857
# Charged        8 38.095
# Basic          8 38.095
# Acidic         0  0.000

Peptides documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:02 a.m.