Man pages for Platypus
Single-Cell Immune Repertoire and Gene Expression Analysis

AbForests_AntibodyForestInfer and draw B cell evolutionary networks
AbForests_CompareForestsComparison of distinct B cell repertoires
AbForests_ConvertStructureExtract transcriptome/isotype information and B cell receptor...
AbForests_CsvToDfConvert list of csvs, to nested list of data.frames
AbForests_ForestMetricsCalculate metrics for networks
AbForests_PlotGraphsPlot igraph and ggplot objects
AbForests_PlyloToMatrixConversion of phylogenetic tree to distance matrix
AbForests_RemoveNetsFilter sub-repertoires with less than N unique sequences or...
AbForests_SubRepertoiresByCellsSplit single cell immune repertoire into sub-repertoires by...
AbForests_SubRepertoiresByUniqueSeqSplit single cell immune repertoire into sub-repertoires by...
AbForests_UniqueAntibodyVariantsCount the number of unique antibody variants per clonal...
AlphaFold_predictionStructure prediction of Mixcr wrapper output with Alpha Fold
AntibodyForestsInfer B cell evolutionary networks and/or sequence similarity...
AntibodyForests_communitiesNetwork clustering/community detection for the...
AntibodyForests_dynamicsCreate a nested list of longitudinal AntibodyForests objects
AntibodyForests_embeddingsStructural node embeddings for the AntibodyForests minimum...
AntibodyForests_expand_intermediatesInfer intermediate nodes in the minimum spanning trees/...
AntibodyForests_heterogeneousBipartite sequence-cell networks in AntibodyForests
AntibodyForests_infer_ancestralCreates phylogenetic trees, infers ancestral sequences, and...
AntibodyForests_join_treesJoins a list of trees/networks as AntibodyForests objects...
AntibodyForests_kernelsGraph kernel methods for graph structure/topology comparisons
AntibodyForests_label_propagationPropagate label annotations/values on sparsely labeled...
AntibodyForests_metricsNode metrics for the AntibodyForests sequence similarity...
AntibodyForests_node_transitionsCalculates the node transitions frequencies for a given...
AntibodyForests_overlapEdge overlap heatmaps for a set of AntibodyForests sequence...
AntibodyForests_pathsCalculates the longest/shortest paths from a node to a given...
AntibodyForests_phyloConverts the igraph networks of a given AntibodyForests...
AntibodyForests_plotCustom plots for trees/networks created with AntibodyForests
AntibodyForests_plot_metricsPlots the resulting node metrics from the...
automate_GEXGEX processing wrapper in Platypus V2
Bcell_sequences_example_treeExample csv file 1
Bcell_tree_2Example csv file 2
call_MIXCRCalls MiXCR VDJ object of Platypus V2
CellPhoneDB_analyseCellphone DB utility
class_switch_prob_humclass_switch_prob_hum The probability matrix of class...
class_switch_prob_musclass_switch_prob_mus The probability matrix of class...
clonofreqPlot clonal frequency barplot of the outout simulated data
clonofreq.isotype.dataGet information about the clonotype counts grouped by...
clonofreq.isotype.plotGet information about the clonotype counts grouped by...
clonofreq.trans.dataGet information about the clonotype counts grouped by...
clonofreq.trans.plotGet information about the clonotype counts grouped by... clone network igraphs colored by seurat cluster id.
colorscolors A vector of characters specifying colors used in...
dot_plotFunction to cutomise the Dot Plot of CellPhoneDB analysis...
Echidna_simulate_repertoireSimulate immune repertoire and transcriptome data
Echidna_vae_generateSimulate B or T cell receptor sequences by variational...
get.avr.mut.dataGet information about somatic hypermutation in the...
get.avr.mut.plotGet information about somatic hypermutation in the...
get.barplot.errorbarReturn a barplot of mean and standard error bar of certain...
get.elbowGet the seurat object from simulated transciptome output.
get.n.node.dataGet the number of unique variants in each clone in a vector....
get.n.node.plotGet the number of unique variants in each clone in a vector...
get.seq.distanceComputing sequence distance according to the number of...
get.umapFurther process the seurat object from simulated transciptome...
get.vgu.matrixGet paired v gene heavy chain and light chain matrix on...
GEX_clonotypePlatypus V2 GEX and VDJ integration for clonotypes
GEX_cluster_genesDifferentially expressed genes between clusters or data...
GEX_cluster_genes_heatmapHeatmap of cluster defining genes
GEX_cluster_membershipCluster membership plots by sample
GEX_coexpression_coefficientCoexpression of selected genes
GEX_DEgenesWrapper for differential gene expression analysis and...
GEX_DEgenes_persamplePlatypus V2 Differentially expressed genes
GEX_dottile_plotGEX Dottile plots
GEX_gene_visualizationVisualization of marker expression in a data set or of...
GEX_GOtermGEX GO-Term analysis and plotting
GEX_GSEAGEX Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and plotting
GEX_heatmapFlexible GEX heatmap wrapper
GEX_lineage_trajectoriesThis is a function to infer single cell trajectories and...
GEX_pairwise_DEGsWrapper for calculating pairwise differentially expressed...
GEX_phenotypeAssignment of cells to phenotypes based on selected markers
GEX_phenotype_per_clonePlotting of GEX phenotype by VDJ clone
GEX_projecTILSProjectTILs tool utility
GEX_proportions_barplotPlots proportions of a group of cells within a secondary...
GEX_pseudobulkFunction that performs pseudo-bulking on the data (VGM...
GEX_pseudotime_trajectory_plotThis function plots pseudotime along the trajectories which...
GEX_scatter_coexpressionScatter plot for coexpression of two selected genes
GEX_topN_DE_genes_per_clusterPlatypus V2 GEX DE genes helper
GEX_trajectoriesThis is a function which infers trajectories along ordered...
GEX_visualize_clonesPlatypus V2 GEX and VDJ integration for visualizing clone...
GEX_volcanoFlexible wrapper for GEX volcano plots
hotspot_dfhotspot_df Hotspot mutations taken from Yaari et al.,...
iso_SHM_probiso_SHM_prob A probability dataframe specifying SHM.nuc.prob...
mus_b_transmus_b_trans A data frame contains mouse B cell average gene...
no.empty.nodeGet clone network igraphs without empty mode. Empty node...
pheno_SHM_probpheno_SHM_prob A probability dataframe specifying...
PlatypusDB_AIRR_to_VGMAIRR to Platypus V3 VGM compatibility function
PlatypusDB_fetchLoads and saves RData objects from the PlatypusDB
PlatypusDB_find_CDR3sCDR3 query function for PlatypusDB
PlatypusDB_list_projectsMetadata download by project for PlatypusDB
PlatypusDB_load_from_diskPlatypusDB utility for import of local datasets
PlatypusDB_VGM_to_AIRRPlatypus V3 VGM to AIRR compatibility function
PlatypusML_balanceSecondary ML for crossvalidation
PlatypusML_classificationCore ML for crossvalidation
PlatypusML_feature_extraction_GEXExtraction of features from GEX matrix of VGM
PlatypusML_feature_extraction_VDJExtraction of features from VDJ table of VGM the index of top ranking clones.
small_vgmSmall VDJ GEX matrix (VGM) for function testing purposes
Spatial_celltype_plotPlotting celltype assign to cell according to their phenotype...
Spatial_clusterPlotting clusters of cells by choosing between 10X Genomics...
Spatial_density_plotPlotting the contour density of selected cells or of all...
Spatial_evolution_of_clonotype_plotPlotting the phylogenetic network of a clonotype based on the...
Spatial_marker_expressionPlotting a gene of interest in selected cells on the spatial...
Spatial_module_expressionPlotting the expression of a gene module on the spatial image...
Spatial_nb_SHM_compare_to_germline_plotPlotting number of somatic hypermutation of clones compare to...
Spatial_scaling_parametersScaling of the spatial parameters to be able to express the...
Spatial_selection_expanded_clonotypesSelection of VGM[[1]]/VDJ data of the x more expanded...
Spatial_selection_of_cells_on_imageAllows to select an area on the spatial image and to isolate...
Spatial_VDJ_assignmentAssign simulated immune repertoire sequences (BCR or TCR)...
Spatial_VDJ_plotPlotting immune repertoire data as clonotype or isotype for...
Spatial_vgm_formationAddition of the spatial information to the VGM matrix, output...
special_vspecial_v a dataframe, of heavy and light chain v gene...
trans_switch_prob_btrans_switch_prob_b The probability for B cell transcriptome...
trans_switch_prob_ttrans_switch_prob_t The probability for T cell transcriptome... idents for top abundant clones in Seurat object, get...
VDJ_abundancesCalculate abundances/counts of specific features for a VDJ...
VDJ_alpha_beta_Vgene_circosProduces a Circos plot from the VDJ_analyze output. Connects...
VDJ_analyzePlatypus V2 VDJ processing wrapper.
VDJ_antigen_integrateIntegrates antigen-specific information into the...
VDJ_assemble_for_PnPAb sequence assembly for recombinant PnP expression
VDJ_bulk_to_vgmUtility function for bulk data to standard Platypus format...
VDJ_call_enclone(Re)clonotype a VDJ object using cellranger's enclone tool
VDJ_call_MIXCRMiXCR wrapper for Platypus V3 VDJ object
VDJ_call_MIXCR_fullMiXCR wrapper for Platypus V3 VDJ object. In addition to the...
VDJ_call_RECONCalls the Kaplinsky/RECON tool
VDJ_circosPlots a Circos diagram from an adjacency matrix. Uses the...
VDJ_clonal_donutCircular VDJ expansion plots
VDJ_clonal_expansionFlexible wrapper for clonal expansion barplots by isotype,...
VDJ_clonal_expansion_abundancesWrapper function for VDJ_abundances to obtain ranked...
VDJ_clonal_lineagesPlatypus V2 lineage utility
VDJ_clonotypePlatypus V3 clonotyping wrapper
VDJ_contigs_to_vgmFormats "VDJ_contigs_annotations.csv" files from cell ranger...
VDJ_db_annotateWrapper function of VDJ_antigen_integrate function
VDJ_db_loadLoad and preprocess a list of antigen-specific databases
VDJ_diversityCalculates and plots common diversity and overlap measures...
VDJ_dubletsPlatypus V2 annotation utility
VDJ_dynamicsTracks a specific VDJ column across multiple...
VDJ_encloneUpdated clonotyping function based on implications for cells...
VDJ_expand_aberrantsExpand the aberrant cells in a VDJ dataframe by converting...
VDJ_extract_germlinePlatypus V2 utility for full germline sequence via MiXCR
VDJ_get_publicFunction to get shared/public elements across multiple...
VDJ_GEX_clonal_lineage_clustersPlatypus V2 lineage - GEX integration utility
VDJ_GEX_clonotymePseudotime analysis for scRNA and repertoire sequencing...
VDJ_GEX_clonotype_clusters_circosMakes a Circos plot from the VDJ_GEX_integrate output....
VDJ_GEX_expansionPlatypus V2 utility
VDJ_GEX_integrateonly Platypus v2 Integrates VDJ and gene expression libraries...
VDJ_GEX_matrixVDJ GEX processing and integration wrapper
VDJ_GEX_overlay_clonesOverlay clones on GEX projection
VDJ_GEX_statsStandalone VDJ and GEX statistics.
VDJ_isotypes_per_clonePlatypus V2 clonal utility
VDJ_kmersCalculates and plots kmers distributions and frequencies.
vdj_length_probvdj_length_prob A list dataframe specifying lengths and...
VDJ_logoplot_vectorFlexible logoplot wrapper
VDJ_networkSimilarity networks based on CDR3 regions
VDJ_ordinationPerforms ordination/dimensionality reduction for a species...
VDJ_overlap_heatmapWrapper to determine and plot overlap between VDJ features...
VDJ_phylogenetic_treesCreates phylogenetic trees from a VDJ dataframe
VDJ_phylogenetic_trees_plotPhylogenetic tree plotting
VDJ_plot_SHMPlotting of somatic hypermutation counts
VDJ_publicFunction to get shared/public elements across multiple...
VDJ_rarefactionPlots rarefaction curves for species denoted in the...
VDJ_reclonotype_list_arrangePlatypus V2 dataframe utility
VDJ_select_clonotypesSelect clonotypes
VDJ_structure_analysisAnalysis of antibody structures
VDJ_treePlatypus V2 phylogenetic trees.
VDJ_variants_per_cloneWrapper for variant analysis by clone
VDJ_Vgene_usageV(D)J gene usage stacked barplots
VDJ_Vgene_usage_barplotV(D)J gene usage barplots
VDJ_Vgene_usage_stacked_barplotV(D)J gene usage stacked barplots
VDJ_VJ_usage_circosMakes a Circos plot from the VDJ_analyze output. Connects the...
VGM_expanded_clonesVDJ utility for T/F column for clonal expansion
VGM_expand_featurebarcodesUtility for feature barcode assignment including clonal...
VGM_integrateUtility for VDJ GEX matrix to integrated VDJ and GEX objects...
Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.