GEX_coexpression_coefficient: Coexpression of selected genes

View source: R/GEX_coexpression_coefficient.R

GEX_coexpression_coefficientR Documentation

Coexpression of selected genes


Returns eiter a plot or numeric data of coexpression levels of selected genes.Coexpression % is calculated as the quotient of double positive cells (counts \> 0) and the sum of total cells positive for either genes.


GEX_coexpression_coefficient(GEX, genes, subsample.n, plot.dotmap)



GEX seurat object generated with VDJ_GEX_matrix (VDJ_GEX_matrix.output\[\[2\]\])


Character vector. At least 2 genes present in rownames(GEX). Use "all" to include all genes. The number of comparisons to make is the length(genes)! (factorial). More than 100 genes are not recommended.


Interger. Number of cells to subsample. If set to 100, 100 cells will be randomly sampled for the calculation


Boolean. Whether to return a plot


Returns a dataframe if pot.dotmap == F or a ggplot if plot.dotmap == T detailing the coexpression levels of selected genes within the given cell population


#To return a dataframe with coefficients
#GEX_coexpression_coefficient(GEX = VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[2]]
#, genes = c("CD19", "EBF1","SDC1"), subsample.n = "none", plot.dotmap = FALSE)

#To return a dotplot detailing coexpression and overall expression
GEX_coexpression_coefficient(GEX = Platypus::small_vgm[[2]]
, genes = c("CD19", "CD83"), subsample.n = "none", plot.dotmap = FALSE)

Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.