Man pages for PoDBAY
Vaccine Efficacy Estimation Package

assignPoDAssign probability of disease (PoD)
BlindSamplingImmunogenicity subset: vaccinated, control, non-diseased
ClinicalTrialClinical trial: estimation of case-count efficacy
ClinicalTrialCoverageClinical trial function expanded for usage in simulations...
controlDataset containing the information for control subjects
cppMLEMaximum likelihood estimation: cpp
cppPoDProbability of disease calculation
diseasedDataset containing the information for diseased subjects
EfficacyCIPoDBAY efficacy summary: mean, median, confidence intervals
EfficacyCICoveragePoDBAY efficacy summary at three confidence levels
efficacyComputationPoDBAY efficacy equation
efficacySetEstimated PoDBAY efficacies
efficacySquaredErrorOptimization objective function: efficacy squared error
estimatedParametersEstimated PoD curve parameters
ExpectedPoDExpected probability of disease
ExtractDiseasedDiseased subjects extraction
ExtractNondiseasedNon-diseased subjects extraction
fitPoDPoD curve: fitting function
GenerateNondiseasedGeneration of upsampled non-diseased subjects titers
generatePopulationPopulation class object generation
getDiseasedCountDiseased count
getDiseasedTitersDiseased titers
getNondiseasedCountNon-diseased count
getNondiseasedTitersNon-diseased titers
getTitersSubject level titers
getUnknownGenerate unknown
ImmunogenicitySubsetImmunogenicity subset
incorrectInputError message
incorrectPopulationInputPopulation class error message
JitterMeanPopulation mean jittering
MLEMaximum Likelihood estimation
nondiseasedDataset containing the information for non-diseased subjects
numToBoolNumeric to boolean
PmaxEstimationPoD curve paramater, pmax, estimation
PoDProbability of disease calculation
PoDBAYEfficacyPoDBAY efficacy estimation
PoDCIPoD curve confidence ribbon
PoDCurvePlotPoD curve: plot
PoDEfficacySquaredErrorOptimization function: finds PoD curve paramaters (et50,...
PoDMLESetup for the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
PoDParamEstimationPoD curve parameters estimation
PoDParamPointEstimationPoD curve point estimate
PoDParamsPoD curve parameters
PoDParamsCIConfidence intervals of PoD curve parameters
PoDParamsCICoverageConfidence intervals of PoD curve parameters at three...
popFunPopulation function
Population-classPopulation class
popXAdd noise to population titers
vaccinatedDataset containing the information for vaccinated subjects
waldCIWald confidence interval estimation
PoDBAY documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 5:08 p.m.