Uniformity.tests: Goodness-of-fit tests for uniformity

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


List of goodness-of-fit tests for uniformity.


The statistic tests for uniformity are named in the form statxxxx.

For the Kolmogorov statistic see stat0063.Kolmogorov.

For the Cramer-von Mises statistic see stat0064.CramervonMises.

For the Anderson-Darling statistic see stat0065.AndersonDarling.

For the Durbin statistic see stat0066.Durbin.

For the Kuiper statistic see stat0067.Kuiper.

For the 1st Hegazy-Green statistic see stat0068.HegazyGreen1.

For the 2nd Hegazy-Green statistic see stat0069.HegazyGreen2.

For the Greenwood statistic see stat0070.Greenwood.

For the Quesenberry-Miller statistic see stat0071.QuesenberryMiller.

For the Read-Cressie statistic see stat0072.ReadCressie.

For the Moran statistic see stat0073.Moran.

For the 1st Cressie statistic see stat0074.Cressie1.

For the 2nd Cressie statistic see stat0075.Cressie2.

For the Vasicek statistic see stat0076.Vasicek.

For the Swartz statistic see stat0077.Swartz.

For the Morales statistic see stat0078.Morales.

For the Pardo statistic see stat0079.Pardo.

For the Marhuenda statistic see stat0080.Marhuenda.

For the 1st Zhang statistic see stat0081.Zhang1.

For the 2nd Zhang statistic see stat0082.Zhang2.


P. Lafaye de Micheaux, V. A. Tran


Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, Viet Anh Tran (2016). PoweR: A Reproducible Research Tool to Ease Monte Carlo Power Simulation Studies for Studies for Goodness-of-fit Tests in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 69(3), 1–42. doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i03

See Also

See Normality.tests for goodness-of-fit tests for normality. See Laplace.tests for goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution.

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