
Defines functions mrss.bcra4r3 power.bcra4r3 mdes.bcra4r3

Documented in mdes.bcra4r3 mrss.bcra4r3 power.bcra4r3

mdes.bcra4r3 <- function(power=.80, alpha=.05, two.tailed=TRUE,
                        rho2, rho3, rho4, esv4=NULL, omega4=esv4/rho4,
                        p=.50, r21=0, r22=0, r23=0, r2t4=0, g4=0,
                        n, J, K, L){

  user.parms <- as.list(match.call())

  df <- L - g4 - 1
  SSE <- sqrt(rho4*omega4*(1-r2t4)/L +
                rho3*(1-r23)/(p*(1-p)*K*L) +
                rho2*(1-r22)/(p*(1-p)*J*K*L) +

  mdes <- .mdes.fun(power = power, alpha = alpha, sse = SSE, df = df, two.tailed = two.tailed)
  .summ.mdes(effect = "main", power = power, alpha = alpha, sse = SSE, df = df, two.tailed = two.tailed, mdes = mdes)
  mdes.out <- list(fun = "mdes.bcra4r3",
                   parms = list(power=power, alpha=alpha, two.tailed=two.tailed,
                                rho2=rho2, rho3=rho3, rho4=rho4,
                                esv4=esv4, omega4=omega4,
                                p=p, r21=r21, r22=r22, r23=r23, r2t4=r2t4, g4=g4,
                                n=n, J=J, K=K, L=L),
                   ncp = mdes[1]/SSE,
                   mdes = mdes)
  class(mdes.out) <- c("main", "mdes")

# example
# mdes.bcra4r3(rho4=.05, rho3=.15, rho2=.15, omega4=.50, n=10, J=4, K=4, L=20)

power.bcra4r3 <- function(es=.25, alpha=.05, two.tailed=TRUE,
                         rho2, rho3, rho4, esv4=NULL, omega4=esv4/rho4,
                         p=.50, r21=0, r22=0, r23=0, r2t4=0, g4=0,
                         n, J, K, L){

  user.parms <- as.list(match.call())

  df <- L - g4 - 1
  SSE <- sqrt(rho4*omega4*(1-r2t4)/L +
                     rho3*(1-r23)/(p*(1-p)*K*L) +
                     rho2*(1-r22)/(p*(1-p)*J*K*L) +

  power <- .power.fun(es = es, alpha = alpha, sse = SSE, df = df, two.tailed = two.tailed)
  .summ.power(power = power, alpha = alpha, sse = SSE, df = df, two.tailed = two.tailed, es = es)
  power.out <-  list(fun = "power.bcra4r3",
                     parms = list(es=es, alpha=alpha, two.tailed=two.tailed,
                                  rho2=rho2, rho3=rho3, rho4=rho4,
                                  esv4=esv4, omega4=omega4,
                                  p=p, r21=r21, r22=r22, r23=r23, r2t4=r2t4, g4=g4,
                                  n=n, J=J, K=K, L=L),
                     ncp = es/SSE,
                     power = power)
  class(power.out) <- c("main", "power")
# example
# power.bcra4r3(rho4=.05, rho3=.15, rho2=.15, omega4=.50, n=10, J=4, K=4, L=20)

mrss.bcra4r3 <- function(es=.25, power=.80, alpha=.05, two.tailed=TRUE,
                         n, J, K, L0=10, tol=.10,
                         rho2, rho3, rho4, esv4=NULL, omega4=esv4/rho4,
                         p=.50, r21=0, r22=0, r23=0, r2t4=0, g4=0){

  user.parms <- as.list(match.call())

  i <- 0
  conv <- FALSE
  while(i<=100 & conv==FALSE){
    df <- L0-g4-1
    if(df<= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
    T1 <- ifelse(two.tailed==TRUE,abs(qt(alpha/2,df)),abs(qt(alpha,df)))
    T2 <- abs(qt(power,df))
    M <- ifelse(power>=.5,T1+T2,T1-T2)
    L1 <- (M/es)^2 * (rho4*omega4*(1-r2t4) +
                          rho3*(1-r23)/(p*(1-p)*K) +
                          rho2*(1-r22)/(p*(1-p)*K*J) +
    if(abs(L1-L0)<tol){conv <- TRUE}
    L0 <- (L1+L0)/2
    i <- i+1
  L <- ifelse(df>0,round(L0),NA)

  mrss.out <-  list(fun = "mrss.bcra4r3",
                    parms = list(es=es, power=power, alpha=alpha, two.tailed=two.tailed,
                                 n=n, J=J, K=K, L0=L0, tol=tol,
                                 rho2=rho2, rho3=rho3, rho4=rho4,
                                 esv4=esv4, omega4=omega4,
                                 p=p, r21=r21, r22=r22, r23=r23, r2t4=r2t4, g4=g4),
                    ncp = M,
                    L = L)
  class(mrss.out) <- c("main", "mrss")
  cat("L =", L, "\n")

# example
# mrss.bcra4r3(rho4=.05, rho3=.15, rho2=.15, omega4=.50, n=10, J=2, K=10)

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