
Defines functions mrns.rep mdh.rep power.rep

Documented in mdh.rep mrns.rep power.rep

# mdh: tau^2 / V
# tau^2: variance of effect sizes
# V: average estimate variance
power.rep <- function(k = 2L, mdh = 1/4, mdh.null = 0, alpha = .05) {

  # validity checks
  if(!is.numeric(alpha) | alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1)
    stop("'alpha' argument must be a numeric value between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
  if(any(mdh < mdh.null))
    stop("'mdh' must be greater than or equal to 'mdh.null'", call. = FALSE)
  if(any(!is.numeric(mdh)) |  any(!is.numeric(mdh.null)) | any(mdh < 0) | any(mdh.null < 0))
    stop("MDH arguments must be numeric values greater than zero", call. = FALSE)
  if(any(!is.integer(k)) | any(k <= 0))
    stop("'k' must be a positive integer, e.g. 'k = 2L'", call. = FALSE)

  # calculate power
  c.value <- qchisq(p = 1 - alpha, df = k-1, ncp = (k-1) * mdh.null, lower.tail = TRUE)
  power <- 1 - pchisq(c.value, df = k-1, ncp = (k-1) * mdh, lower.tail = TRUE)
  power.out <-  list(fun = "power.rep",
                     parms =list(k=k, mdh=mdh, mdh.null=mdh.null, alpha=alpha),
                     df=k-1, power=power)

  class(power.out) <- c("rep", "power")
  cat(ifelse(mdh.null == 0, "\nExact", "\nApproximate"), " replication",
      "\n Number of studies:", k,
      "\n MDH for null:", round(mdh.null, 3),
      "\n MDH for alternative:", round(mdh, 3), "\n\nStatistical power:",
      "\n-------------------------\n", round(power, 3),
      "\n-------------------------\nDegrees of freedom:", k-1,
      "\nType I error rate:", alpha,
      "\nType II error rate:", round(1 - power, 3), "\n",
      sep = " ")
# power.rep()

# mdh: tau^2 / V
# tau^2: variance of effect sizes
# V: average estimate variance
mdh.rep <- function(k = 2L, mdh.max = 15, alpha = .05, power = 0.80, mdh.null = 0, step = .001, plot = FALSE) {

  # validity checks
  if(step < 0 | step > .10 | !is.numeric(step) | length(step) != 1)
    stop("Incorrect 'step' argument (0 < 'step' < 0.10)", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(power) | !is.numeric(alpha) | power <= 0 | power >= 1 | alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1)
    stop("'power' or 'alpha' arguments must be numeric values between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
  if(mdh.max < mdh.null)
    stop("'mdh.max' must be greater than or equal to 'mdh.null'", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(mdh.max) |  !is.numeric(mdh.null)
     | mdh.max < 0 | mdh.null < 0 | length(mdh.max) != 1 | length(mdh.null) != 1)
    stop("MDH arguments must be numeric values (scalar) greater than or equal to zero", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.integer(k) | k <= 0 | length(k) != 1)
    stop("'k' must be a positive integer (scalar), e.g. 'k = 2L'", call. = FALSE)

  # MDH brute force search
  mdh.seq <- seq(mdh.null, mdh.max, step)
  c.value <- qchisq(p = 1- alpha, df = k-1, ncp = (k-1) * mdh.null, lower.tail = TRUE)
  pwr.seq <- 1 - pchisq(c.value, df = k-1, ncp = (k-1) * mdh.seq, lower.tail = TRUE)
  mdh <- mdh.seq[which(abs(power-pwr.seq) == min(abs(power-pwr.seq)))]

  if(mdh == mdh.max)
    stop("Increase 'mdh.max'", call. = FALSE)

  mdh.out <- list(fun = "mdh.rep",
                  parms =list(k=k, mdh.max=mdh.max, mdh.null=mdh.null, power=power, alpha=alpha),
                  df=k-1, mdh=mdh)

  if(plot) {
    plot(mdh.seq, pwr.seq, col = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.5), type = "l", lty = 1,
         xlab = "Minimum Detectable Heterogeneity", ylab = "Statistical Power")
    points(mdh, power, pch = 21, bg = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.5), cex = 1.5)
    abline(v = mdh, h = power, lty = 5, col = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.5))

  class(mdh.out) <- c("rep", "mdh")
  cat(ifelse(mdh.null == 0, "\nExact", "\nApproximate"), " replication",
      "\n Number of studies:", k,
      "\n MDH for null:", round(mdh.null, 3),
      "\n\nMinimum detectable heterogeneity:",
      "\n--------------------------------\n", round(mdh, 3),
      "\n--------------------------------\nDegrees of freedom:", k-1,
      "\nType I error rate:", alpha,
      "\nType II error rate:", round(1 - power, 3), "\n",
      sep = " ")
# mdh.rep()

mrns.rep <- function(power = .80, mdh = 1/4, mdh.null = 0, alpha = .05, tol = .001) {

  # validity checks
  if(!is.numeric(power) | !is.numeric(alpha)
     | power <= 0 | power >= 1 | alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1
     | length(power) != 1 | length(alpha) != 1)
    stop("'power' or 'alpha' arguments must be numeric values (scalar) between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
  if(mdh < mdh.null)
    stop("'mdh.max' must be greater than or equal to 'mdh.null'", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(mdh) |  !is.numeric(mdh.null) | mdh < 0 | mdh.null < 0
     | length(mdh) != 1 | length(mdh.null) != 1)
    stop("MDH arguments must be numeric values (scalar) greater than zero", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(tol) | tol < 0 | tol > .01 | length(tol) != 1)
    stop("'tol' argument should be a numeric value (scalar) between zero and .01", call. = FALSE)

  i <- 0
  k0 <- 2
  #tol <- .01
  conv <- FALSE
  while(i<=1000 & conv==FALSE){
    df <- k0-1
    if(df<= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
    c.value0 <- qchisq(p = 1- alpha, df = k0-1, ncp = (k0-1) * mdh.null, lower.tail = TRUE)
    power0 <- 1 - pchisq(c.value0, df = k0-1, ncp = (k0-1) * mdh, lower.tail = TRUE)
    if(abs(power-power0)<tol){conv <- TRUE}
    k0 <- k0+1
    i <- i+1
    if(i==1001) stop("MRNS calculation did not converge! Try to increase 'tol'", call. = FALSE)
  k <- ifelse(df>0,round(k0),NA)

  # calculate power

  mrns.out <-  list(fun = "power.rep",
                    parms =list(mdh=mdh, mdh.null=mdh.null, alpha=alpha, power=power),
                    k = k,

  class(mrns.out) <- c("rep", "mrns")
  cat(ifelse(mdh.null == 0, "\nExact", "\nApproximate"), " replication",
      # "\n Number of studies: ", k,
      "\n MDH for null:", round(mdh.null, 3),
      "\n MDH for alternative:", round(mdh, 3), "\n\nMinimum required number of studies:",
      "\n----------------------------------\n", k,
      "\n----------------------------------\nDegrees of freedom:", k-1,
      "\nType I error rate:", alpha,
      "\nType II error rate:", round(1 - power, 3), "\n",
      sep = " ")

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PowerUpR documentation built on Oct. 25, 2021, 5:06 p.m.