Man pages for PracTools
Designing and Weighting Survey Samples

BW2stagePPSRelvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW2stagePPSeEstimated relvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW2stageSRSRelvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW3stagePPSRelvariance components for 3-stage sample
BW3stagePPSeEstimated relvariance components for 3-stage sample
clusOpt2Compute optimal sample sizes for a two-stage sample
clusOpt2fixedPSUOptimal number of sample elements per PSU in a two-stage...
clusOpt3Compute optimal sample sizes for a three-stage sample
clusOpt3fixedPSUCompute optimal number of sample secondary sampling units...
CompMOSCompute a composite measure of size for domain-based...
CVcalc2Coefficient of variation of an estimated total in a 2-stage...
CVcalc3Coefficient of variation of an estimated total in a 3-stage...
deffDesign effects of various types
deffCRChen-Rust design effect
deffHHenry design effect for _pps_ sampling and GREG estimation of...
deffKKish design effect
deffSSpencer design effect for an estimated total from a _pps_...
Domainy1y2Domain data
dubSample sizes for a double sampling design
gamEstEstimate variance model parameter gamma
gammaFitIteratively estimate variance model parameter gamma
GeoDistMOSSplit geographic PSUs based on a measure of size threshold
GeoDistPSUForm PSUs based on geographic distances
GeoMinMOSCheck geographic PSUs to determine whether any are less than...
HMTGenerate an HMT population
hospitalHospital Data
laborLabor force population
MDarea.popAMaryland area population
mibrfssMichigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
nAuditAttrSample sizes for an attribute sample in an audit
nAuditMUSSample sizes for a Monetary Unit Sample in an audit
nContCompute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean
nContMoeCompute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean of...
nContOptCompute the sample size required to estimate the mean of a...
nDep2samSimple random sample size for difference in means
nDomainCompute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean or...
nEdgeCompute the total sample size for a stratified, simple random...
nEdgeSRSCompute the total sample size for a simple random sample...
nhisNational Health Interview Survey: Demographic variables
nhis.largeNational Health Interview Survey: Demographic and health...
nhispartNational Health Interview Survey data from 2003:...
nLogOddsCalculate simple random sample size for estimating a...
nPPSCalculate the sample size for a probability proportional to...
nPropCompute simple random sample size for estimating a proportion
nProp2samSimple random sample size for difference in proportions
nPropMoeSimple random sample size for a proportion based on margin of...
NRadjClassClass-based nonresponse adjustments
NRFUoptSample sizes for a nonresponse follow-up study
nWilsonCalculate a simple random sample size for estimating a...
pclassForm nonresponse adjustment classes based on propensity...
quad_rootsCompute the roots of a quadratic equation
smho98Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
smho.N874Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
strAllocAllocate a sample to strata
Test_Data_USAccounting data for some US cities with latitude and...
ThirdGradeThird grade population
unitVarCompute the unit (population) variance for a variable
wtd.momentsCompute moments of a variable from either a population or...
wtdvarCompute weighted variance
PracTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:12 a.m.