envData: The variables in the environment include an example profile,...

Description Format Details Author(s)


Drug repurposing has become the focus of experts in drug development. In PriorCD, pathway activities and drug activities are combine to construct drug functional similarity network, and on which a global network propagation algorithm is applied. First, drug functional similarity network is constructed by the correlation and fdr of drug pairs. Then a global netwokr propagation (RWR) is performed on this network to prioritize candidates. Finally, ROC and network structure of the result can be browsed in PriorCD by getROC and getDDN functions.


An environment variable


The environment variable includes the variable drug.edgelist, drug.info,brc_candidates,breast_cancer,drug.fdr,drug.r,drug.ic50,mRNA_path,microRNA_path,priorlist


Junwei Hanhanjunwei1981@163.com,Baotong Zhengbtzheng1116@163.com,Jieyi Didijy_0419@yeah.net

PriorCD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:28 a.m.