ProFound-package: Photometry Tools

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


Core package containing all the tools for simple and advanced source extraction. This is used to create inputs for 'ProFit', or for source detection, extraction and photometry in its own right.


Package: ProFound
Type: Package
Version: 1.14.1
Date: 2020-12-03
License: LGPL-3
Depends: R (>= 3.1), FITSio, magicaxis (>= 2.0.8), Rcpp (>= 1.0.2)
Imports: RColorBrewer, data.table, celestial (>= 1.4.1), foreach, doParallel, Rcpp
Suggests: ProFit, knitr, rmarkdown, EBImage, imager, LaplacesDemon, Rfast, fastmatch, Rfits, Rwcs, snow, doSNOW, bigmemory


Aaron Robotham

Maintainer: Aaron Robotham <>


Robotham A.S.G., et al., 2018, MNRAS, 476, 3137


## Not run: 
image=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'VIKING/mystery_VIKING_Z.fits',

profound=profoundProFound(image, skycut=1.5, magzero=30, verbose=TRUE, plot=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Example output

Loading required package: FITSio
Loading required package: magicaxis
Warning message:
no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available 
Running ProFound:
Supplied image contains image and header components
Supplied image is 356 x 356 pixels
Extracted pixel scale from header provided: 0.339 asec/pixel
Supplied image is 2.011 x 2.011 amin,  0.001 deg-sq
Making initial sky map - 0.024 sec
 - Sky statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-3.1428 -0.3981  0.4472  0.6041  1.2494  4.5100 
 - Sky-RMS statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  7.988   8.894   9.149   9.144   9.346  10.143 
Making initial segmentation image - 0.901 sec
 - Running MakeSegim:
 - Skipping making initial local estimate of the sky - User provided sky
 - Skipping making initial local estimate of the sky RMS - User provided sky RMS
 - Smoothing the image - 0.002 sec
 - Watershed de-blending - 0.705 sec
 - Skipping segmentation plot - plot set to FALSE
 - Skipping making final local estimate of the sky - User provided sky
 - Skipping making initial local estimate of the sky RMS - User provided sky RMS
 - Skipping segmentation statistics - segstats set to FALSE or no segments
 - MakeSegim is finished! - 2.297 sec
Doing initial aggressive dilation - 3.199 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.002 sec
 - Skipping segmentation statistics - segstats set to FALSE
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.022 sec
Making better sky map - 3.222 sec
 - Sky statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-2.8846 -0.6570 -0.2174 -0.2149  0.3388  1.3055 
 - Sky-RMS statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  8.154   8.763   8.862   8.889   9.070   9.263 
Calculating initial segstats - 3.346 sec
Doing dilations:
Iteration 1 of 6 - 3.422 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.002 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.016 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.053 sec
Iteration 2 of 6 - 3.477 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.001 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.01 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.052 sec
Iteration 3 of 6 - 3.532 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.001 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.009 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.099 sec
Iteration 4 of 6 - 3.634 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.001 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.011 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.049 sec
Iteration 5 of 6 - 3.686 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.001 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.015 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.056 sec
Iteration 6 of 6 - 3.743 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.001 sec
 - Calculating segstats - 0.011 sec
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.06 sec
Finding CoG convergence - 3.806 sec
Constructing final segim - 3.808 sec
Doing final aggressive dilation - 3.849 sec
 - Running MakeSegimDilate:
 - Dilating segments - 0.002 sec
 - Skipping segmentation statistics - segstats set to FALSE
 - profoundMakeSegimDilate is finished! - 0.031 sec
Making final sky map - 3.882 sec
 - Sky statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-2.9279 -0.7736 -0.3516 -0.2666  0.2882  1.3755 
 - Sky-RMS statistics :
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  8.116   8.742   8.887   8.896   9.064   9.438 
Calculating final segstats for 48 objects - 3.974 sec
 - magzero = 30
 - gain = NULL (ignored)
 - pixscale = 0.339
 - rotstats = FALSE
 - boundstats = FALSE
 - groupstats = FALSE
 - deblend = FALSE
Plotting segments - 4.031 sec
ProFound is finished! - 4.823 sec
Warning message:
In if (class(image) == "profound") { :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

ProFound documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:37 p.m.