ProjectTemplate-package: ProjectTemplate: Automates the Creation of New Statistical...

ProjectTemplate-packageR Documentation

ProjectTemplate: Automates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis Projects


Provides functions to automatically build a directory structure for a new R project. Using this structure, 'ProjectTemplate' automates data loading, preprocessing, library importing and unit testing.


Maintainer: Kenton White [contributor]


  • John Myles White [copyright holder]

Other contributors:

  • Aleksandar Blagotic [contributor]

  • Diego Valle-Jones [contributor]

  • Jeffrey Breen [contributor]

  • Joakim Lundborg [contributor]

  • Josh Bode [contributor]

  • Kirill Mueller [contributor]

  • Matteo Redaelli [contributor]

  • Noah Lorang [contributor]

  • Patrick Schalk [contributor]

  • Dominik Schneider [contributor]

  • Gerold Hepp [contributor]

  • Zunaira Jamil [contributor]

  • Glen Falk [contributor]

See Also

Useful links:

ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.