#' @title Data Clusters by (modified) \eqn{k}-Means
#' @description
#' To create a \link[base]{list} of observations based on (modified) \eqn{k}-means algorithm.
#' @param x \link[base]{numeric} \link[base]{vector}, one-dimensional observations
#' @param K \link[base]{integer} scalar, number of clusters
#' @param method \link[base]{character} scalar,
#' only `'reassign_tkmeans'` (default) supported yet
#' @param alpha \link[base]{numeric} scalar, proportion of observations to be trimmed in
#' trimmed \eqn{k}-means algorithm \link[tclust]{tkmeans}
#' @param ... additional parameters, currently not in use
#' @returns
#' Function [klist] returns a \link[base]{list} of \link[base]{numeric} \link[base]{vector}s.
#' @seealso [reAssign.tkmeans]
#' \link[stats]{kmeans}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tclust tkmeans
#' @export
klist <- function(x, K, method = c('reassign_tkmeans'), alpha = .05, ...) {
if (anyNA(x)) stop('input must be free of missing data')
if (K == 1L) return(list(x))
km <- reAssign.tkmeans(tkmeans(x, k = K, alpha = alpha))
if (any(1L == km$size)) stop('single-observation cluster should be avoided by tclust::tkmeans')
clus <- km[['cluster']]
attr(clus, which = 'levels') <- as.character(seq_len(km$k))
class(clus) <- 'factor'
ret <- split.default(x, f = clus)[order(c(km$centers))] # order by center, only available in dim-1 data!
#' @title Naive Estimates of Finite Mixture Distribution via Clustering
#' @description
#' Naive estimates for finite mixture distribution \linkS4class{fmx} via clustering.
#' @param x \link[base]{numeric} \link[base]{vector}, observations
#' @param K \link[base]{integer} scalar, number of mixture components
#' @param distname \link[base]{character} scalar, name of parametric distribution of the mixture components
#' @param constraint \link[base]{character} \link[base]{vector},
#' parameters (\eqn{g} and/or \eqn{h} for Tukey \eqn{g}-&-\eqn{h} mixture) to be set at 0.
#' See function [fmx_constraint] for details.
#' @param ... additional parameters, currently not in use
#' @details
#' First of all, if the specified number of components \eqn{K\geq 2},
#' trimmed \eqn{k}-means clustering with re-assignment will be performed;
#' otherwise, all observations will be considered as one single cluster.
#' The standard \eqn{k}-means clustering is not used since the heavy tails of
#' Tukey \eqn{g}-&-\eqn{h} distribution could be mistakenly classified as individual cluster(s).
#' In each of the one or more clusters,
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\link[TukeyGH77]{letterValue}-based estimates of Tukey \eqn{g}-&-\eqn{h} distribution (Hoaglin, 2006)
#' are calculated, for any \eqn{K\geq 1}, serving as the starting values for
#' QLMD algorithm.
#' These estimates are provided by function [fmx_cluster].}
#' \item{the \link[stats]{median} and \link[stats]{mad} will serve as
#' the starting values for \eqn{\mu} and \eqn{\sigma}
#' (or \eqn{A} and \eqn{B} for Tukey \eqn{g}-&-\eqn{h} distribution, with \eqn{g = h = 0}),
#' for QLMD algorithm
#' when \eqn{K = 1}.}
#' }
#' @returns
#' Function [fmx_cluster] returns an \linkS4class{fmx} object.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom fmx user_constraint
#' @importFrom stats mad
#' @importFrom TukeyGH77 letterValue
#' @export
fmx_cluster <- function(
x, K,
distname = c('GH', 'norm', 'sn'), constraint = character(),
) {
xs <- klist(x = x, K = K, ...)
dargs <- switch(distname <- match.arg(distname), norm = {
lapply(xs, FUN = function(i) {
c(mean = median.default(i), sd = mad(i))
}, GH = {
id_constr <- user_constraint(constraint, distname = 'GH', K = K)
gid <- attr(id_constr, which = 'gid', exact = TRUE)
hid <- attr(id_constr, which = 'hid', exact = TRUE)
if (!length(gid) && !length(hid)) {
if (K == 2L) {
list(letterValue(xs[[1L]], halfSpread = 'lower'),
letterValue(xs[[2L]], halfSpread = 'upper'))
} else lapply(xs, FUN = letterValue)
} else {
lapply(seq_len(K), FUN = function(i) {
ag <- list(g_ = if (i %in% gid) FALSE, h_ = if (i %in% hid) FALSE), args = c(list(x = xs[[i]]), ag[lengths(ag, use.names = FALSE) > 0L]))
}, sn = {
stop('not programmed')
}, stop('unknown distname ', distname))
new(Class = 'fmx',
pars =, args = dargs),
w = lengths(xs, use.names = FALSE) / length(x),
distname = distname)
#' @title Naive Parameter Estimates using Mixture of Normal
#' @description
#' Naive parameter estimates for finite mixture distribution \linkS4class{fmx} using mixture of normal distributions.
#' @param x \link[base]{numeric} \link[base]{vector}, observations
#' @param K \link[base]{integer} scalar, number of mixture components
#' @param distname \link[base]{character} scalar,
#' name of parametric distribution of the mixture components
#' @param alpha \link[base]{numeric} scalar, proportion of observations to be trimmed in
#' trimmed \eqn{k}-means algorithm \link[tclust]{tkmeans}
#' @param R \link[base]{integer} scalar, number of \link[mixtools]{normalmixEM} replicates
#' @param ... additional parameters, currently not in use
#' @details
#' [fmx_normix] ... the cluster centers are provided as the starting values of \eqn{\mu}'s for
#' the univariate normal mixture by EM \link[mixtools:normalmixEM]{algorithm}.
#' `R` replicates of normal mixture estimates are obtained, and
#' the one with maximum likelihood will be selected
#' @returns
#' Function [fmx_normix] returns an \linkS4class{fmx} object.
# @importFrom fmx sort.mixEM logLik.mixEM
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom mixtools normalmixEM
#' @importFrom stats mad median.default logLik
#' @importFrom tclust tkmeans
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
fmx_normix <- function(x, K, distname = c('norm', 'GH', 'sn'), alpha = .05, R = 10L, ...) {
if (anyNA(x)) stop('input must be free of missing data')
distname <- match.arg(distname)
if (K == 1L) {
mu <- median.default(x)
sigma <- mad(x)
return(new(Class = 'fmx', distname = distname, pars = switch(distname, norm = cbind(
mean = mu, sd = sigma
), GH = cbind(
A = mu, B = sigma, g = 0, h = 0
), sn = cbind(
xi = mu, omega = sigma, alpha = 0 # I dont understand `tau`
), stop('`distname` not supported ', distname))))
tkm <- tkmeans(x, k = K, alpha = alpha)
tx <- x[tkm$cluster != 0] # use un-trimmed observations!!!
rets <- replicate(n = R, expr = {
invisible(capture.output(tmp <- normalmixEM(
x = tx, k = K,
mu =$centers)), # hope location-pars not get too close..
lambda = rep(1/K, times = K), # hope none of mix-prop-pars gets too small ..
epsilon = 1e-2)))
}, simplify = FALSE)
#tmp <- sort.mixEM(rets[[which.max(vapply(rets, FUN = logLik.mixEM, FUN.VALUE = 0, USE.NAMES = FALSE))]])
tmp <- sort(rets[[which.max(vapply(rets, FUN = logLik, FUN.VALUE = 0, USE.NAMES = FALSE))]])
return(new(Class = 'fmx', distname = distname, w = tmp$lambda, pars = switch(distname, norm = cbind(
mean = tmp$mu, sd = tmp$sigma
), GH = cbind(
A = tmp$mu, B = tmp$sigma, g = 0, h = 0
), sn = cbind(
xi = tmp$mu, omega = tmp$sigma, alpha = 0 # I dont understand `tau`
#' @title Best Naive Estimates for Finite Mixture Distribution
#' @description
#' Best estimates for finite mixture distribution \linkS4class{fmx}.
#' @param x \link[base]{numeric} \link[base]{vector}, observations
#' @param test \link[base]{character} scalar, criteria for selecting the optimal estimates.
#' See **Details**.
#' @param ... additional parameters of functions [fmx_normix] and [fmx_cluster]
#' @details
#' Function [fmx_hybrid] compares
#' Tukey \eqn{g}-&-\eqn{h} mixture estimate provided by function [fmx_cluster]
#' and the normal mixture estimate by function [fmx_normix],
#' and select the one either with maximum likelihood (\code{test = 'logLik'}, default),
#' with minimum Cramer-von Mises distance (\code{test = 'CvM'}) or
#' with minimum Kolmogorov distance ([Kolmogorov_fmx]).
#' @returns
#' Function [fmx_hybrid] returns an \linkS4class{fmx} object.
#' @examples
#' library(fmx)
#' d1 = fmx('norm', mean = c(1, 2), sd = .5, w = c(.4, .6))
#' set.seed(100); hist(x1 <- rfmx(n = 1e3L, dist = d1))
#' fmx_normix(x1, distname = 'norm', K = 2L)
#' fmx_normix(x1, distname = 'GH', K = 2L)
#' (d2 = fmx('GH', A = c(1,6), B = 2, g = c(0,.3), h = c(.2,0), w = c(1,2)))
#' set.seed(100); hist(x2 <- rfmx(n = 1e3L, dist = d2))
#' fmx_cluster(x2, K = 2L)
#' fmx_cluster(x2, K = 2L, constraint = c('g1', 'h2'))
#' fmx_normix(x2, K = 2L, distname = 'GH')
#' fmx_hybrid(x2, distname = 'GH', K = 2L)
#' @importFrom fmx logLik.fmx CramerVonMises_fmx Kolmogorov_fmx
#' @export
fmx_hybrid <- function(x, test = c('logLik', 'CvM', 'KS'), ...) {
test <- match.arg(test)
ys <- list(
cluster = fmx_cluster(x, ...),
normix = fmx_normix(x, ...)
stats <- list(
logLik = - vapply(ys, FUN = logLik.fmx, data = x, FUN.VALUE = NA_real_),
CvM = vapply(ys, FUN = function(i) CramerVonMises_fmx(i, data = x), FUN.VALUE = NA_real_),
Kolmogorov = vapply(ys, FUN = function(i) Kolmogorov_fmx(i, data = x), FUN.VALUE = NA_real_)
if (anyNA(stats, recursive = TRUE)) stop('should not happen')
chosen <- vapply(stats, FUN = function(i) names(which.min(i)), FUN.VALUE = '')
ret <- ys[[chosen[test]]]
if (TRUE) { # for developer
#attr(ret, 'ys') <- ys
#attr(ret, 'x') <- x
#attr(ret, 'fig') <- .Defunct('autoplot.fmxS')
#attr(ret, 'chosen') <- chosen
#stop('make it clear in the documentation that the user can choose to use lettervalue or normix')
#stop('make it clear in the documentation that we offer the hybrid of lettervalue and normix')
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