
# Set
# a set is a linked list equipped with equal function

#' The RSet reference class
#' The RSet reference class implements the data structure set.
#' A set is a collection of items or elements equipped with the "=" operators
#' such that any two elements in the set cannot be equal.
#' The set data structure does not care the order of the elements.
#' It should be noticed that, in your design, if any two elements in the set can be easily compared,
#' by simply, for example, keys, numbers, and etc.,
#' the RSet should not be recommended due to efficiency reason.
#' The RSet is suitable for the cases when you have a relatively complex "=" operation
#' between two elements in the set.
#' The class \code{RSet} inherits the \code{\link{RDLL}} class,
#' and therefor it has all the methods that \code{\link{RDLL}} has.
#' Note that the methods \code{insert_at}, \code{appendleft}, \code{append}
#' in the super class still works without checking if the new element equals
#' any other elements in the set.
#' Normally they should be depreciated in the \code{RSet} class,
#' but this is not done in the current version of the package.
#' It is strongly recommended that the user should use the \code{add} method
#' to add a new element when using the \code{RSet} class.
#' The elements in the set are not necessarily to be of the same type,
#' and they can be any R objects.
#' @author Yukai Yang, \email{yukai.yang@@statistik.uu.se}
#' @section References:
#' For the details about the set data structure, see \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(abstract_data_type)}{Set at Wikipedia}.
#' @seealso \link{RDLL} and \link{R6DS} for the introduction of the reference class and some common methods
#' @section Class Method:
#' The class method belongs to the class.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{new(equal, ..., collapse=NULL)}}{
#' The \code{new} method creates a new instance of the RSet class
#' containing the values in \code{...} and \code{collapse} as its elements.
#' The argument \code{equal} takes a function defining the "=" operation,
#' The function set to \code{equal} takes two values of the elements in the set and return
#' a boolean.
#' It can be, for example, of the form
#' \code{equal <- function(x, y) return(x$num == y$num)}
#' where \code{x} and \code{y} are values of two elements in the set
#' with the attribute \code{num}.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Immutable Methods:
#' The immutable methods do not change the elements of the instance.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{has(val)}}{
#' The method \code{has} returns a boolean indicating
#' if the set contains \code{val}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{union(rset)}}{
#' The method \code{union} merges the elements in \code{rset}, an instance of some class in the package,
#' with its elements, and returns a new union set of the two.
#' }
#' \item{\code{intersection(rset)}}{
#' The method \code{intersection} returns a new intersection set (RSet) of
#' the current set and \code{rset}, an instance of some class in the package.
#' }
#' \item{\code{difference(rset)}}{
#' The method \code{difference} returns a new difference set (RSet) of
#' the current set and \code{rset}, an instance of some class in the package
#' (current instance minus \code{rset}).
#' }
#' \item{\code{subset(rset)}}{
#' The method \code{subset} returns a boolean indicating
#' if the current set is a subset of \code{rset},
#' an instance of some class in the package.
#' }
#' \item{\code{contains(rset)}}{
#' The method \code{contains} returns a boolean indicating
#' if the current set contains \code{rset},
#' an instance of some class in the package.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Mutable Methods:
#' The mutable methods change the instance.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{add(val)}}{
#' The method \code{add} adds a new element into the set and returns a booleank
#' showing if the insertion is successful.
#' }
#' \item{\code{add_multiple(..., collapse=NULL)}}{
#' The method \code{add_multiple} adds new elements in \code{...} and \code{collapse} into the set.
#' }
#' \item{\code{delete(val)}}{
#' The method \code{delete} removes the element which is \code{equal} to \code{val} in the set.
#' It returns a boolean showing if the deletion is successful (if the element is not found in the set).
#' }
#' }
#' @keywords RSet
#' @examples
#' ### create a new instance
#' # you have to define "="
#' equal <- function(x, y) return(x$key == y$key)
#' # remember that the elements in the set must have the "key" attribute
#' # to create a new instance of the class
#' set <- RSet$new(equal=equal)
#' # of course you can start to add elements when creating the instance
#' set <- RSet$new(equal=equal,
#'     list(key=5, val="5"), collapse=list(list(key=3,val="3"), list(key=9,val="9")))
#' # the following sentence is equivalent to the above
#' set <- RSet$new(equal=equal,
#'     list(key=5, val="5"), list(key=3,val="3"), list(key=9,val="9"))
#' # where the three lists are inserted into the set
#' ### immutable methods
#' set$has(list(key=5, num=10))
#' # TRUE as it has the key attribute
#' ### mutable methods
#' set$add(list(key=5, num=10))
#' # FALSE
#' set$add(list(key=10, val="10"))
#' # TRUE
#' set$delete(list(key=10))
#' # TRUE and list(key=10, val="10") is removed
#' # union
#' another_set <- RSet$new(equal=equal,
#'     list(key=5, val="5"), list(key=11,val="11"))
#' set$union(another_set)$show()
#' # intersection
#' set$intersection(another_set)$show()
#' # difference
#' set$difference(another_set)$show()
#' # subset
#' set$subset(another_set)
#' # contains
#' set$contains(another_set)
#' @export
RSet <- R6Class("RSet", inherit = RDLL, portable = FALSE, class = FALSE)

RSet$set("private", "equal", NULL)

RSet$set("public", "initialize", function(equal, ..., collapse=NULL){
  equal <<- equal
  items = c(list(...), as.list(collapse))

  for(item in items) add(item)

RSet$set("public", "has", function(val){
  if(.len == 0) return(FALSE)

  for(iter in (.front+1):(.front+.len))
    if(equal(.elem[[iter]], val)) return(TRUE)

RSet$set("public", "add_multiple", function(..., collapse=NULL){
  items = c(list(...), as.list(collapse))
  for(item in items) add(item)

RSet$set("public", "add", function(val){
  if(has(val)){ return(FALSE)
  }else{ append(val); return(TRUE) }

RSet$set("public", "delete", function(val){
  if(.len == 0) return(FALSE)

  for(iter in 1:.len)
    if(equal(.elem[[.front+iter]], val)){
      .elem[[.front+iter]] <<- NULL
      .len <<- .len-1

RSet$set("public", "union", function(rset){
  ret <- RSet$new(equal=equal,collapse=c(self$toList,rset$toList))

RSet$set("public", "intersection", function(rset){
  ret <- RSet$new(equal=equal)
  items <- rset$toList
  for(item in items) if(has(item)) ret$add(item)

RSet$set("public", "difference", function(rset){
  tmp <- RSet$new(equal=equal,collapse=rset$toList)
  ret <- RSet$new(equal=equal)
  items <- self$toList
  for(item in items) if(!tmp$has(item)) ret$append(item)

# rset must be a set
RSet$set("public", "subset", function(rset){
  tmp <- RSet$new(equal=equal,collapse=rset$toList)

RSet$set("public", "contains", function(rset){
  items <- rset$toList
  for(item in items) if(!has(item)) return(FALSE)

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R6DS documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:04 p.m.