Environments: BerkeleyDB Database Environment Operations

Description Details Value Author(s) References


Low-level calls to the BerkeleyDB API. These functions simply wrap most of the DB functionality and expose it at the R level.

Documentation on usage, valid arguments, and flags from the official Oracle C API should be all that is required to correctly use this API.

Database Environment Operations Description
db_env_create Create an environment handle
db_get_env Return DB's underlying DB_ENV handle
dbenv_close Close an environment
dbenv_dbremove Remove a database
dbenv_dbrename Rename a database
dbenv_err* Error message
dbenv_errx* Error message
dbenv_failchk* Check for thread failure
dbenv_fileid_reset* Reset database file IDs
dbenv_get_home Return environment's home directory
dbenv_get_open_flags Return flags with which the environment was opened
dbenv_lsn_reset* Reset database file LSNs
dbenv_open Open an environment
dbenv_remove Remove an environment
dbenv_stat_print Environment statistics
Environment Configuration Description
dbenv_set_alloc* Set local space allocation functions
dbenv_set_app_dispatch* Configure application recovery
dbenv_set_cachesize Set the environment cache size
dbenv_set_data_dir Set the environment data directory
dbenv_set_encrypt Set the environment cryptographic key
dbenv_set_errcall* Set error and informational message callbacks
dbenv_set_msgcall* Set error and informational message callbacks
dbenv_set_errfile Set error and informational message FILE
dbenv_set_msgfile Set error and informational message FILE
dbenv_set_errpfx Set error message prefix
dbenv_set_event_notify* Set event notification callback
dbenv_set_feedback* Set feedback callback
dbenv_set_flags Environment configuration
dbenv_set_isalive* Set thread is-alive callback
dbenv_set_intermediate_dir_mode Set intermediate directory creation mode
dbenv_set_rpc_server* Establish an RPC server connection
dbenv_set_shm_key Set system memory shared segment ID
dbenv_set_thread_id* Set thread of control ID function
dbenv_set_thread_count* Set approximate thread count
dbenv_set_thread_id_string* Set thread of control ID format function
dbenv_set_timeout* Set lock and transaction timeout
dbenv_set_tmp_dir Set the environment temporary file directory
dbenv_set_verbose Set verbose messages


The user should refer to the official API documentation for the Berkeley DB database available from Oracle.


Varies by function call.


Jeffrey A. Ryan for the R API


Oracle Berkeley DB

Oracle Berkeley DB C API

Oracle Berkeley DB Reference Guide

RBerkeley documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 3:44 p.m.