Man pages for RConics
Computations on Conics

adjointAdjoint matrix
arcLengthEllipseArc length of an ellipse
cofactor(i,j)-cofactor and (i,j)-minor of a matrix
colinearTest for colinearity
conicMatrixToEllipseTransformation of the matrix representation of an ellipse...
conicThrough5PointsCompute the conic that passes through 5 points
cubicRoots of the cubic equation.
ellipseReturn ellipse points
ellipseToConicMatrixTransformation of the ellipse parameters into the matrix...
intersectConicConicIntersection between two conics
intersectConicLineIntersections between a conic and a line
joinThe join and meet of two points and the parallel
pEllipticIntPartial elliptic integral
plotHLinePlot a "homogeneous" line to a plot.
polarPolar line of point with respect to a conic
quadraticFormToMatrixTransformation of the quadratic conic representation into the...
RConics-packageRConics: Computations on conics
skewSymmetricMatrix(3 \times 3) skew symmetric matrix
splitDegenerateConicSplit degenerate conic
transformationAffine planar transformations matrix
RConics documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:33 p.m.