ga: Lists all columns for a Google Analytics core report type

Description Usage Format Source References See Also Examples


This dataset represents all of the dimensions and metrics for the reporting API with their attributes. Attributes returned include UI name, description, segments support, etc.




A data frame with 436 rows and 14 variables containing the following columns:


Parameter name.


The type of column: DIMENSION, METRIC.


The type of data this column represents: STRING, INTEGER, PERCENT, TIME, CURRENCY, FLOAT.


The dimensions/metrics group the column belongs to.


The status of the column: PUBLIC, DEPRECATED.


The name/label of the column used in user interfaces (UI).


The full description of the column.


Indicates whether the column can be used in the segment query parameter.


API version with this param was added.


The replacement column to use for a column with a DEPRECATED status.


Only available for calculated metrics. This shows how the metric is calculated.


Only available for templatized columns. This is the minimum index for the column.


Only available for templatized columns. This is the maximum index for the column.


Only available for templatized columns. This is the minimum index for the column for premium properties.


Only available for templatized columns. This is the maximum index for the column for premium properties.



Google Analytics Metadata API

Core Reporting API - Dimensions & Metrics Reference

See Also

get_ga list_dimsmets


# a count of parameters types
# parameters groups
# get a deprecated parameters was replaced by
subset(ga, status == "DEPRECATED", c(id, replacedBy))
# get a calculation metrics
subset(ga, !, c(id, calculation))
# get a not deprecated metrics from user group
subset(ga, group == "User" & type == "METRIC" & status != "DEPRECATED", id)
# get parameters allowed in segments
subset(ga, allowedInSegments, id)

Example output

Please use predefined Credentials only for the testing requests. To obtain your own Credentials see help(authorize).

      254       222 

                 Ad Exchange                      Adsense 
                          10                           10 
                     Adwords                 App Tracking 
                          34                           16 
                    Audience             Channel Grouping 
                           7                            1 
         Content Experiments             Content Grouping 
                           2                            5 
 Custom Variables or Columns DoubleClick Campaign Manager 
                           4                           57 
                   Ecommerce               Event Tracking 
                          67                           11 
                  Exceptions                  Geo Network 
                           5                           15 
            Goal Conversions              Internal Search 
                          18                           25 
  Lifetime Value and Cohorts                Page Tracking 
                          25                           24 
          Platform or Device             Related Products 
                          14                           10 
                     Session                   Site Speed 
                          13                           19 
           Social Activities          Social Interactions 
                          12                            9 
                      System                         Time 
                           7                           20 
             Traffic Sources                         User 
                          12                           18 
                User Timings 
                                 id                      replacedBy
2                    ga:visitorType                     ga:userType
4                     ga:visitCount                 ga:sessionCount
6             ga:daysSinceLastVisit         ga:daysSinceLastSession
9                       ga:visitors                        ga:users
11                     ga:newVisits                     ga:newUsers
13              ga:percentNewVisits           ga:percentNewSessions
19                   ga:visitLength        ga:sessionDurationBucket
21                        ga:visits                     ga:sessions
23            ga:entranceBounceRate                   ga:bounceRate
25               ga:visitBounceRate                   ga:bounceRate
27                    ga:timeOnSite              ga:sessionDuration
29                 ga:avgTimeOnSite           ga:avgSessionDuration
43                ga:adSlotPosition                            <NA>
70                           ga:ROI                            <NA>
71                        ga:margin                            <NA>
85             ga:goalValuePerVisit          ga:goalValuePerSession
96                      ga:isMobile                            <NA>
97                      ga:isTablet                            <NA>
121   ga:socialActivityEndorsingUrl                            <NA>
122    ga:socialActivityDisplayName                            <NA>
123           ga:socialActivityPost                            <NA>
124      ga:socialActivityTimestamp                            <NA>
125     ga:socialActivityUserHandle                            <NA>
126   ga:socialActivityUserPhotoUrl                            <NA>
127 ga:socialActivityUserProfileUrl                            <NA>
128     ga:socialActivityContentUrl                            <NA>
129    ga:socialActivityTagsSummary                            <NA>
130         ga:socialActivityAction                            <NA>
131  ga:socialActivityNetworkAction                            <NA>
132             ga:socialActivities                            <NA>
144                 ga:nextPagePath                            <NA>
151            ga:pageviewsPerVisit          ga:pageviewsPerSession
169                 ga:searchVisits               ga:searchSessions
171      ga:percentVisitsWithSearch    ga:percentSessionsWithSearch
211                     ga:appviews                  ga:screenviews
213               ga:uniqueAppviews            ga:uniqueScreenviews
215             ga:appviewsPerVisit        ga:screenviewsPerSession
226              ga:visitsWithEvent            ga:sessionsWithEvent
228      ga:eventsPerVisitWithEvent    ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent
232          ga:visitsToTransaction        ga:sessionsToTransaction
240         ga:transactionsPerVisit       ga:transactionsPerSession
244   ga:transactionRevenuePerVisit ga:transactionRevenuePerSession
265   ga:socialInteractionsPerVisit ga:socialInteractionsPerSession
353           ga:nextContentGroupXX                            <NA>
355            ga:visitorAgeBracket               ga:userAgeBracket
357                ga:visitorGender                   ga:userGender
446                    ga:dcmMargin                            <NA>
448                       ga:dcmROI                            <NA>
12                                ga:percentNewSessions
13                                  ga:percentNewVisits
23                                ga:entranceBounceRate
24                                        ga:bounceRate
25                                   ga:visitBounceRate
28                                ga:avgSessionDuration
29                                     ga:avgTimeOnSite
63                                               ga:CPM
64                                               ga:CPC
65                                               ga:CTR
66                                ga:costPerTransaction
67                             ga:costPerGoalConversion
68                                 ga:costPerConversion
69                                               ga:RPC
70                                               ga:ROI
71                                            ga:margin
72                                              ga:ROAS
84                               ga:goalValuePerSession
85                                 ga:goalValuePerVisit
86                              ga:goalXXConversionRate
87                             ga:goalConversionRateAll
88                                    ga:goalXXAbandons
89                                   ga:goalAbandonsAll
90                                 ga:goalXXAbandonRate
91                                ga:goalAbandonRateAll
148                                     ga:entranceRate
150                              ga:pageviewsPerSession
151                                ga:pageviewsPerVisit
155                                    ga:avgTimeOnPage
157                                         ga:exitRate
167                             ga:avgSearchResultViews
170                        ga:percentSessionsWithSearch
171                          ga:percentVisitsWithSearch
173                                   ga:avgSearchDepth
175                         ga:percentSearchRefinements
177                                ga:avgSearchDuration
179                                   ga:searchExitRate
180                       ga:searchGoalXXConversionRate
181                      ga:searchGoalConversionRateAll
182                            ga:goalValueAllPerSearch
185                                  ga:avgPageLoadTime
187                              ga:avgDomainLookupTime
189                              ga:avgPageDownloadTime
191                               ga:avgRedirectionTime
193                          ga:avgServerConnectionTime
195                            ga:avgServerResponseTime
198                            ga:avgDomInteractiveTime
200                          ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime
214                            ga:screenviewsPerSession
215                                 ga:appviewsPerVisit
224                                    ga:avgEventValue
227                        ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent
228                          ga:eventsPerVisitWithEvent
239                           ga:transactionsPerSession
240                             ga:transactionsPerVisit
242                            ga:revenuePerTransaction
243                     ga:transactionRevenuePerSession
244                       ga:transactionRevenuePerVisit
247                                       ga:totalValue
250                                   ga:revenuePerItem
252                                 ga:itemsPerPurchase
264                     ga:socialInteractionsPerSession
265                       ga:socialInteractionsPerVisit
271                               ga:avgUserTimingValue
274                          ga:exceptionsPerScreenview
276                     ga:fatalExceptionsPerScreenview
366                                       ga:adsenseCTR
367                                      ga:adsenseECPM
425                            ga:cohortAppviewsPerUser
426        ga:cohortAppviewsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
427                     ga:cohortGoalCompletionsPerUser
428 ga:cohortGoalCompletionsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
429                           ga:cohortPageviewsPerUser
430       ga:cohortPageviewsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
431                              ga:cohortRetentionRate
432                             ga:cohortRevenuePerUser
433         ga:cohortRevenuePerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
434                     ga:cohortSessionDurationPerUser
435 ga:cohortSessionDurationPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
436                            ga:cohortSessionsPerUser
437        ga:cohortSessionsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria
451                             ga:internalPromotionCTR
459                                   ga:productListCTR
465                        ga:productRevenuePerPurchase
12                                                                          ga:newUsers / ga:sessions
13                                                                          ga:newUsers / ga:sessions
23                                                                          ga:bounces / ga:entrances
24                                                                           ga:bounces / ga:sessions
25                                                                           ga:bounces / ga:sessions
28                                                                   ga:sessionDuration / ga:sessions
29                                                                   ga:sessionDuration / ga:sessions
63                                                                ga:adCost / (ga:impressions / 1000)
64                                                                            ga:adCost / ga:adClicks
65                                                                       ga:adClicks / ga:impressions
66                                                                    (ga:adCost) / (ga:transactions)
67                                                              (ga:adCost) / (ga:goalCompletionsAll)
68                                          (ga:adCost) / (ga:transactions  +  ga:goalCompletionsAll)
69                                            (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:adClicks
70                                  (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll - ga:adCost) / ga:adCost
71  (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll - ga:adCost) / (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll)
72                                              (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:adCost
84                                                                      ga:goalValueAll / ga:sessions
85                                                                      ga:goalValueAll / ga:sessions
86                                                                 ga:goalXXCompletions / ga:sessions
87                                                                ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:sessions
88                                                           (ga:goalXXStarts - ga:goalXXCompletions)
89                                                         (ga:goalStartsAll - ga:goalCompletionsAll)
90                                     ((ga:goalXXStarts - ga:goalXXCompletions)) / (ga:goalXXStarts)
91                                  ((ga:goalStartsAll - ga:goalCompletionsAll)) / (ga:goalStartsAll)
148                                                                       ga:entrances / ga:pageviews
150                                                                        ga:pageviews / ga:sessions
151                                                                        ga:pageviews / ga:sessions
155                                                         ga:timeOnPage / (ga:pageviews - ga:exits)
157                                                        ga:exits / (ga:pageviews + ga:screenviews)
167                                                           ga:searchResultViews / ga:searchUniques
170                                                                   ga:searchSessions / ga:sessions
171                                                                   ga:searchSessions / ga:sessions
173                                                                 ga:searchDepth / ga:searchUniques
175                                                       ga:searchRefinements / ga:searchResultViews
177                                                              ga:searchDuration / ga:searchUniques
179                                                                 ga:searchExits / ga:searchUniques
180                                                           ga:goalXXCompletions / ga:searchUniques
181                                                          ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:searchUniques
182                                                                ga:goalValueAll / ga:searchUniques
185                                                      (ga:pageLoadTime / ga:pageLoadSample / 1000)
187                                              (ga:domainLookupTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000)
189                                              (ga:pageDownloadTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000)
191                                               (ga:redirectionTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000)
193                                          (ga:serverConnectionTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000)
195                                            (ga:serverResponseTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000)
198                                       (ga:domInteractiveTime / ga:domLatencyMetricsSample / 1000)
200                                     (ga:domContentLoadedTime / ga:domLatencyMetricsSample / 1000)
214                                                                      ga:screenviews / ga:sessions
215                                                                      ga:screenviews / ga:sessions
224                                                                    ga:eventValue / ga:totalEvents
227                                                             ga:totalEvents / ga:sessionsWithEvent
228                                                             ga:totalEvents / ga:sessionsWithEvent
239                                                                     ga:transactions / ga:sessions
240                                                                     ga:transactions / ga:sessions
242                                                           ga:transactionRevenue / ga:transactions
243                                                               ga:transactionRevenue / ga:sessions
244                                                               ga:transactionRevenue / ga:sessions
247                                                         (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll)
250                                                                  ga:itemRevenue / ga:itemQuantity
252                                                              ga:itemQuantity / ga:uniquePurchases
264                                               ga:socialInteractions / ga:uniqueSocialInteractions
265                                               ga:socialInteractions / ga:uniqueSocialInteractions
271                                                 (ga:userTimingValue / ga:userTimingSample / 1000)
274                                                                    ga:exceptions / ga:screenviews
276                                                               ga:fatalExceptions / ga:screenviews
366                                                     ga:adsenseAdsClicks/ga:adsensePageImpressions
367                                                ga:adsenseRevenue/(ga:adsensePageImpressions/1000)
425                                                                 ga:appviews / ga:cohortTotalUsers
426                                             ga:appviews / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
427                                                       ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:cohortTotalUsers
428                                   ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
429                                                                ga:pageviews / ga:cohortTotalUsers
430                                            ga:pageviews / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
431                                                        ga:cohortActiveUsers / ga:cohortTotalUsers
432                                                             ga:transactions / ga:cohortTotalUsers
433                                         ga:transactions / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
434                                                          ga:sessionDuration / ga:cohortTotalUsers
435                                      ga:sessionDuration / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
436                                                                 ga:sessions / ga:cohortTotalUsers
437                                             ga:sessions / ga:cohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria
451                                            ga:internalPromotionClicks / ga:internalPromotionViews
459                                                        ga:productListClicks / ga:productListViews
465                                                               ga:itemRevenue / ga:uniquePurchases
8                ga:users
10            ga:newUsers
12  ga:percentNewSessions
14           ga:1dayUsers
15           ga:7dayUsers
16          ga:14dayUsers
17          ga:30dayUsers
474    ga:sessionsPerUser
1                     ga:userType
2                  ga:visitorType
3                 ga:sessionCount
4                   ga:visitCount
5         ga:daysSinceLastSession
6           ga:daysSinceLastVisit
7             ga:userDefinedValue
10                    ga:newUsers
11                   ga:newVisits
18       ga:sessionDurationBucket
19                 ga:visitLength
20                    ga:sessions
21                      ga:visits
22                     ga:bounces
26             ga:sessionDuration
27                  ga:timeOnSite
30                ga:referralPath
32                    ga:campaign
33                      ga:source
34                      ga:medium
35                ga:sourceMedium
36                     ga:keyword
37                   ga:adContent
41                     ga:adGroup
42                      ga:adSlot
43              ga:adSlotPosition
51             ga:adTargetingType
78                ga:goalXXStarts
79               ga:goalStartsAll
80           ga:goalXXCompletions
81          ga:goalCompletionsAll
82                 ga:goalXXValue
83                ga:goalValueAll
92                     ga:browser
93              ga:browserVersion
94             ga:operatingSystem
95      ga:operatingSystemVersion
96                    ga:isMobile
97                    ga:isTablet
98        ga:mobileDeviceBranding
99           ga:mobileDeviceModel
100        ga:mobileInputSelector
101           ga:mobileDeviceInfo
102  ga:mobileDeviceMarketingName
103             ga:deviceCategory
104                  ga:continent
105               ga:subContinent
106                    ga:country
107                     ga:region
108                      ga:metro
109                       ga:city
112              ga:networkDomain
113            ga:networkLocation
114               ga:flashVersion
115                ga:javaEnabled
116                   ga:language
117               ga:screenColors
118  ga:sourcePropertyDisplayName
119   ga:sourcePropertyTrackingId
120           ga:screenResolution
133                   ga:hostname
134                   ga:pagePath
139                  ga:pageTitle
140            ga:landingPagePath
142               ga:exitPagePath
145                  ga:pageDepth
147                  ga:entrances
149                  ga:pageviews
153            ga:uniquePageviews
154                 ga:timeOnPage
156                      ga:exits
158                 ga:searchUsed
159              ga:searchKeyword
160    ga:searchKeywordRefinement
161             ga:searchCategory
164 ga:searchAfterDestinationPage
166              ga:searchUniques
168             ga:searchSessions
169               ga:searchVisits
172                ga:searchDepth
174          ga:searchRefinements
176             ga:searchDuration
178                ga:searchExits
202             ga:appInstallerId
203                 ga:appVersion
204                    ga:appName
205                      ga:appId
206                 ga:screenName
207                ga:screenDepth
208          ga:landingScreenName
209             ga:exitScreenName
210                ga:screenviews
211                   ga:appviews
212          ga:uniqueScreenviews
213             ga:uniqueAppviews
216               ga:timeOnScreen
218              ga:eventCategory
219                ga:eventAction
220                 ga:eventLabel
221                ga:totalEvents
223                 ga:eventValue
225          ga:sessionsWithEvent
226            ga:visitsWithEvent
229              ga:transactionId
230                ga:affiliation
231      ga:sessionsToTransaction
232        ga:visitsToTransaction
233          ga:daysToTransaction
234                 ga:productSku
235                ga:productName
236            ga:productCategory
238               ga:transactions
241         ga:transactionRevenue
245        ga:transactionShipping
246             ga:transactionTax
248               ga:itemQuantity
249            ga:uniquePurchases
251                ga:itemRevenue
256           ga:localItemRevenue
266         ga:userTimingCategory
267            ga:userTimingLabel
268         ga:userTimingVariable
272       ga:exceptionDescription
273                 ga:exceptions
275            ga:fatalExceptions
277               ga:experimentId
278          ga:experimentVariant
279                ga:dimensionXX
280            ga:customVarNameXX
281                   ga:metricXX
282           ga:customVarValueXX
288                       ga:hour
289                     ga:minute
350      ga:landingContentGroupXX
351     ga:previousContentGroupXX
352             ga:contentGroupXX
353         ga:nextContentGroupXX
361             ga:adsenseRevenue
362       ga:adsenseAdUnitsViewed
363           ga:adsenseAdsViewed
364           ga:adsenseAdsClicks
365     ga:adsensePageImpressions
368               ga:adsenseExits
371             ga:adxImpressions
373      ga:adxMonetizedPageviews
376                  ga:adxClicks
378                 ga:adxRevenue
386                ga:browserSize
388            ga:channelGrouping
389            ga:checkoutOptions
397                 ga:dataSource
398  ga:internalPromotionCreative
399        ga:internalPromotionId
400      ga:internalPromotionName
401  ga:internalPromotionPosition
404            ga:orderCouponCode
405               ga:productBrand
406   ga:productCategoryHierarchy
407     ga:productCategoryLevelXX
408          ga:productCouponCode
409            ga:productListName
410        ga:productListPosition
411             ga:productVariant
420              ga:shoppingStage
450                       ga:hits
452    ga:internalPromotionClicks
453     ga:internalPromotionViews
454   ga:localProductRefundAmount
455          ga:localRefundAmount
456          ga:productAddsToCart
457           ga:productCheckouts
458         ga:productDetailViews
460          ga:productListClicks
461           ga:productListViews
462        ga:productRefundAmount
463             ga:productRefunds
464     ga:productRemovesFromCart
466        ga:quantityAddedToCart
467         ga:quantityCheckedOut
468           ga:quantityRefunded
469    ga:quantityRemovedFromCart
471               ga:refundAmount
475               ga:totalRefunds

RGA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 a.m.