

roundTrip =
  # compare can be all.equal
function(x, y = x, simplify = TRUE, asIs = NA, compare = identical) {
  ans <- fromJSON(toJSON(x, asIs = asIs), simplify = simplify)
  compare(ans, y)

stopifnot(roundTrip(c(TRUE, FALSE)))
try(stopifnot(roundTrip(1L))) # fails since 1L becomes a numeric

stopifnot(roundTrip(c(TRUE, FALSE)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(1:2, as.numeric(1:2)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(c(1, 2, 3)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(c("abc", "xyz")))

# with names
stopifnot(roundTrip(c(a = TRUE)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(c(a = 1)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(c(a = "xyz")))
stopifnot(roundTrip(c(a = 1L), c(a = 1)))

# lists

stopifnot(roundTrip(list(1L), asIs = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, list(1)))

stopifnot(roundTrip(list(1, 2), asIs = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, list(1, 2)))
stopifnot(roundTrip(list(1, 2), asIs = TRUE, simplify = FALSE, list(list(1), list(2))))

stopifnot(roundTrip(list(a= 1, b = 2), asIs = TRUE, simplify = FALSE, list(a = list(1), b = list(2))))

tmp = list(a = 1, b = c(1, 2), c = list(1:3, x = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), list(c("a", "b", "c", "d"))))
tmp1 = fromJSON(toJSON(tmp))
all.equal(tmp, tmp1)

roundTrip(tmp, compare = all.equal)

Try the RJSONIO package in your browser

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RJSONIO documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 5:09 p.m.