Man pages for RJaCGH
Reversible Jump MCMC for the Analysis of CGH Arrays

genomePlotPlot of the genome with probabilities of alteration.
modelAveragingMethod for model averaging for RJaCGH objects.
normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.CLikelihood for non-homogeneous hidden Markov model
plot.pREC_SPlot number of probes shared by pairs of arrays
plotQNHPlot transition probabilities
plot.RJaCGH'plot' method for RJaCGH objects
pREC_AProbabilistic Common Regions for copy number alteration.
pREC_SSubgroups of arrays that share common alterations
print.pREC_AMethod for printing probabilistic common region.
print.pREC_SMethod for printing probabilistic common regions
print.summary.RJaCGHprint summary of RJaCGH fit
QNHTransition Matrix for non-homogeneous Hidden Markov Model
relabelStatesRelabelling of hidden states to biological states of...
RJaCGHReversible Jump MCMC for the analysis of arrays of CGH
simulateRJaCGHSimulate observations form a hidden Markov model with...
smoothMeansSmoothed posterior mean
snijdersPublic CGH data of Snijders
states'states' method for RJaCGH objects
summary.RJaCGHSummarizing RJaCGH models
trace.plotTrace plot for 'RJaCGH' object
RJaCGH documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:34 p.m.