
function(request) {
    titlePanel(NULL, windowTitle = "RLumShiny - DRT"),
      sidebarPanel(width = 5,

                   # include a tabs in the input panel for easier navigation
                   tabsetPanel(id = "tabs", type = "pill", selected = "Data",
                               # Tab 1: Data input
                                        # informational text
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Data upload")),
                                        # file upload button (data set 1)
                                        fileInput(inputId = "file1",
                                                  label = strong("Primary data set"),
                                                  accept="text/plain, .csv, text/csv"),
                                        # file upload button (data set 2)
                                        fileInput(inputId = "file2",
                                                  label = strong("Secondary data set"),
                                                  accept="text/plain, .csv, text/csv"),
                                        # rhandsontable input/output
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 rHandsontableOutput(outputId = "table_in_primary")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 rHandsontableOutput(outputId = "table_in_secondary"))

                                        actionButton(inputId = "refresh", label = "Refresh", icon = icon("fas fa-sync")),
                                        tooltip(refId = "refresh", text = "Redraw the plot")

                               # Tab 2: Statistical information
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Summary")),
                                        selectInput(inputId = "sumpos",
                                                    label = "Summary position",
                                                    selected = "topleft",
                                                    choices = list("Subtitle" = "sub",
                                                                   "Center" = "center",
                                                                   Top=c("Top" = "top",
                                                                         "Top left" = "topleft",
                                                                         "Top right"= "topright"),
                                                                   Bottom=c("Bottom" = "bottom",
                                                                            "Bottom left" = "bottomleft",
                                                                            "Bottom right" = "bottomright"))),
                                        tooltip(refId = "sumpos", attr = "for", text = "Position of the statistical summary. The keyword \"Subtitle\" will only work if no plot subtitle is used."),
                                        checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "stats",
                                                           label = "Parameters",
                                                           selected = c("n","mean"),
                                                           choices = c("n" = "n",
                                                                       "Mean" = "mean",
                                                                       "weighted Mean" = "mean.weighted",
                                                                       "Median" = "median",
                                                                       #"weighted Median" = "median.weighted",
                                                                       "rel. Standard deviation" = "sdrel",
                                                                       "abs. Standard deviation" = "sdabs",
                                                                       "rel. Standard error" = "serel",
                                                                       "abs. Standard error" = "seabs",
                                                                       #"25 % Quartile" = "q25", #not implemented yet
                                                                       #"75 % Quartile" = "q75", #not implemented yet
                                                                       "Skewness" = "skewness", #not implemented yet
                                                                       "Kurtosis" = "kurtosis", #not implemented yet
                                                                       "Confidence interval" = "")),
                                        tooltip(refId = "stats", text = "Statistical parameters to be shown in the summary"),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Error range")),
                                        numericInput(inputId = "error",
                                                     label = "Symmetric error range (%)",
                                                     value = 10, min = 0, max = 100, step = 1),
                                        tooltip(refId = "error", text = "Symmetric error range in percent will be shown as dashed lines in the plot. Set error.range to 0 to void plotting of error ranges.")

                               # Tab 3: input that refer to the plot rather than the data
                               tabPanel("DRT Details",
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Experimental details")),
                                        numericInput(inputId = "dose", label = "Given dose (primary data set)", value = 2800),
                                        tooltip(refId = "dose", text = "Given dose used for the dose recovery test to normalise data. If only one given dose is provided this given dose is valid for all input data sets (i.e., values is a list). Otherwise a given dose for each input data set has to be provided (e.g., given.dose = c(100,200)). If no given.dose values are plotted without normalisation (might be useful for preheat plateau tests). Note: Unit has to be the same as from the input values (e.g., Seconds or Gray)."),
                                        numericInput(inputId = "dose2", label = "Given dose (secondary data set)", value = 3000),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Preheat temperatures")),
                                        checkboxInput(inputId = "preheat", label = "Group values by preheat temperature", FALSE),
                                        tooltip(refId = "preheat", text = "Optional preheat temperatures to be used for grouping the De values. If specified, the temperatures are assigned to the x-axis."),
                                        conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.preheat == true',
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph1", "PH Temperature #1", 180, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph2", "PH Temperature #2", 200, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph3", "PH Temperature #3", 220, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph4", "PH Temperature #4", 240, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph5", "PH Temperature #5", 260, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph6", "PH Temperature #6", 280, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph7", "PH Temperature #7", 300, min = 0),
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "ph8", "PH Temperature #8", 320, min = 0)

                               # Tab 3: input that refer to the plot rather than the data
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Title")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "main",
                                                           label = "Title",
                                                           value = "DRT Plot")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "mtext",
                                                           label = "Subtitle",
                                                           value = "")
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Boxplot")),
                                        checkboxInput(inputId = "boxplot", label = "Plot as boxplot", value = FALSE),
                                        tooltip(refId = "boxplot", text = "Optionally plot values, that are grouped by preheat temperature as boxplots. Only possible when preheat vector is specified."),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Scaling")),
                                        sliderInput(inputId = "cex",
                                                    label = "Scaling factor",
                                                    min = 0.5, max = 2,
                                                    value = 1.0, step = 0.1)

                               # Tab 4: modify axis parameters
                                        div(align = "center", h5("X-axis")),
                                        textInput(inputId = "xlab",
                                                  label = "Label x-axis",
                                                  value = "# Aliquot"),
                                        # inject sliderInput from Server.R
                                        uiOutput(outputId = "xlim"),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Y-axis")),
                                        textInput(inputId = "ylab",
                                                  label = "Label y-axis",
                                                  value = "Normalised De"),
                                        sliderInput(inputId = "ylim", label = "Range y-axis",
                                                    min = 0, max = 3,
                                                    value = c(0.75, 1.25),
                                                    step = 0.01)

                                        div(align = "center", h5("Primary data set")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "pch",
                                                             label = "Style",
                                                             selected = "17",
                                                             choices = c("Square"= "1",
                                                                         "Triangle point up"="3",
                                                                         "Triangle point down"="7",
                                                                         "Square cross"="8",
                                                                         "Diamond plus"="10",
                                                                         "Circle plus"="11",
                                                                         "Triangles up and down"="12",
                                                                         "Square plus"="13",
                                                                         "Circle cross"="14",
                                                                         "Square and Triangle down"="15",
                                                                         "filled Square"="16",
                                                                         "filled Circle"="17",
                                                                         "filled Triangle point up"="18",
                                                                         "filled Diamond"="19",
                                                                         "solid Circle"="20",
                                                                         "Bullet (smaller Circle)"="21",
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom symbol is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.pch == 'custom'",
                                                                  textInput(inputId = "custompch",
                                                                            label = "Insert character",
                                                                            value = "?"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "color", label = "Datapoint color",
                                                             choices = list("Black" = "black",
                                                                            "Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Red" = "#b22222",
                                                                            "Green" = "#6E8B3D",
                                                                            "Blue" = "#428bca",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.color == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgb",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Secondary data set")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 ## DATA SET 2
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "pch2",
                                                             label = "Style",
                                                             selected = "17",
                                                             choices = c("Square"= "1",
                                                                         "Triangle point up"="3",
                                                                         "Triangle point down"="7",
                                                                         "Square cross"="8",
                                                                         "Diamond plus"="10",
                                                                         "Circle plus"="11",
                                                                         "Triangles up and down"="12",
                                                                         "Square plus"="13",
                                                                         "Circle cross"="14",
                                                                         "Square and Triangle down"="15",
                                                                         "filled Square"="16",
                                                                         "filled Circle"="17",
                                                                         "filled Triangle point up"="18",
                                                                         "filled Diamond"="19",
                                                                         "solid Circle"="20",
                                                                         "Bullet (smaller Circle)"="21",
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom symbol is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.pch2 == 'custom'",
                                                                  textInput(inputId = "custompch2",
                                                                            label = "Insert character",
                                                                            value = "?"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "color2", label = "Datapoint color",
                                                             selected = "#b22222",
                                                             choices = list("Black" = "black",
                                                                            "Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Red" = "#b22222",
                                                                            "Green" = "#6E8B3D",
                                                                            "Blue" = "#428bca",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.color2 == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgb2",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))

                               # Tab xy: add and customize legend
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Legend")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "legendname",
                                                           label = "Primary data label",
                                                           value = "primary data")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "legendname2",
                                                           label = "Secondary data label",
                                                           value = "secondary data")
                                        selectInput(inputId = "legend.pos",
                                                    label = "Legend position",
                                                    selected = "bottomleft",
                                                    choices = c("Top" = "top",
                                                                "Top left" = "topleft",
                                                                "Top right"= "topright",
                                                                "Center" = "center",
                                                                "Bottom" = "bottom",
                                                                "Bottom left" = "bottomleft",
                                                                "Bottom right" = "bottomright"))

                               RLumShiny:::exportTab("export", filename = "dose recovery"),
                               RLumShiny:::aboutTab("about", "doserecovery")

      # Show a plot of the generated distribution
      mainPanel(width = 7,
                # insert css code inside <head></head> of the generated HTML file:
                # allow open dropdown menus to reach over the container
                tags$head(tags$style(type="text/css",".tab-content {overflow: visible;}")),
                # divide output in separate tabs via tabsetPanel
                  tabPanel("Plot", plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "400px")),
                  tabPanel("Primary data set", fluidRow(column(width = 12, dataTableOutput("dataset")))),
                  tabPanel("Secondary data set", dataTableOutput("dataset2")),
                  tabPanel("R plot code", verbatimTextOutput("plotCode"))

Try the RLumShiny package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RLumShiny documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 9:07 a.m.