Man pages for RMAWGEN
Multi-Site Auto-Regressive Weather GENerator

acvWGENPlots the auto- and cross- covariance functions between...
adddateInserts three columns (year,month,day) passing dates to a...
addsuffixesAdds suffixes for daily maximum and minimum temperature to...
arch_test'arch.test' function for 'varest2' object
ComprehensivePrecipitationGeneratorThe comprehensive Precipitation Generator
ComprehensiveTemperatureGeneratorThe Comprehensive Temperature Generator
continuity_ratioCalculates the continuity ratio of a set of precipitation...
countNAscounts NAs in each row of 'data'
covarianceCalculates the covariance matrix of the normally standardized...
ElevationOfExtracts the elevation of a meteorological station expressed...
extractdaysExtracts the rows of a matrix corresponding to the requested...
extractmonthsExtracts the rows of a matrix corresponding to requested...
extractTnFromAnomaliesExtracts generated time series of Daily Minimum Temperature...
extractTxFromAnomaliesExtracts generated time series of Daily Maximum Temperature...
extractyearsExtracts the elements of a data frame corresponding to a...
findDateFinds the date corresponding a row index of a matrix given...
forecastEVForecasts the expected value of a VAR realization given the...
forecastResidualForecasts the residual value of a VAR realization given the...
generateTemperatureTimeseriesReturns time series of Daily Maximum and Minimum with a...
getDailyMeanCalculates the daily means of a range of days around each...
getMonthlyMeanCalculates the monthly means of a data frame corresponding to...
getVARmodelEither creates a VAR model or chooses a VAR model by using...
GPCAThis function makes a Gaussianization procedure based on PCA...
GPCA_iterationThis function makes an iteration of PCA-Gaussianization...
inv_GPCAThis function makes an inverse Gaussianization procedure...
inv_GPCA_iterationThis function makes an inverse iteration of...
is.monthly.climateVerifies if 'climate' represents the monthly climatology in...
months_fmonths REPLACEMANT
NewVAReventRealizationGenerates a new realization of a VAR model
newVARmultieventRealizationGenerates several realizations of a VAR model
normality_test'normality.test' method for 'varest2' object
normalizeGaussianConverts a random variable 'x' extracted by a population...
normalizeGaussian_precConverts precipitation values to "Gaussinized"...
normalizeGaussian_severalstationsConverts several samples 'x' random variable extracted by...
normalizeGaussian_severalstations_precDEPRECATED Converts several samples 'x' random variable...
plotDailyClimatePlots daily climatology through one year
plot_sampleIt makes a plot by sampling (e.g. monthly) the variables 'x'...
PrecipitationEndDayGets the last day in a precipitation time series, expressed...
PrecipitationStartDayGets the first day in a precipitation time series, expressed...
print'print' S3 method for 'GPCA' or 'GPCA_iteration' object
qqplot.laggedThis function creates a Q-Q plot of the 'lag'-lag moving...
qqplotprecWGENMakes a qqplot of measured and simulated data for several...
qqplotprecWGEN_seasonalMakes four seasonal qqplots (winter, spring, summer and...
qqplot_RMAWGEN_TxIt makes the Q-Q plots observed vs generated time series of...
qqplotTnTxWGENMakes a qqplot of measured and simulated data for several...
qqplotTnTxWGEN_seasonalMakes four seasonal qqplots (winter, spring, summer and...
qqplotWGENMakes a qqplot and Wilcoxon test between the two columns of...
removeNAsReplaces each entry of the rows containing NA values with NA
rescaling_monthlyThis function adjusts the monthly mean to a daily weather...
residuals'residuals' S3 method for 'varest2' object
RMAWGEN-packageR - Multi-site Autoregressive WEather Generator
serial_test'serial.test' function for 'varest2' object
setComprehensiveTemperatureGeneratorParametersComputes climatic and correlation information useful for...
splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyInterpolates monthly data to daily data using 'spline' and...
splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYearsInterpolates monthly data to daily data using...
TemperatureEndDayGets the last day in a temperature time series, expressed as...
TemperatureStartDayGets the first day in a temperature time series, expressed as...
trentinoTrentino Dataset
VAR_modModified version of 'VAR' function allowing to describe...
WhereIsGets the toponym where a meteorological station is located
RMAWGEN documentation built on Dec. 12, 2019, 9:07 a.m.