
Defines functions adjust.chat adjust.value

Documented in adjust.chat adjust.value

#' Adjust over-dispersion scale or a result value such as effective sample size
#' Adjust value of over-dispersion constant or another result value for a
#' collection of models which modifies model selection criterion and estimated
#' standard errors.
#' The value of \code{chat} is stored with the model object except when there
#' is no over-dispersion (\code{chat}=1). This function assigns a new value of
#' \code{chat} for the collection of models specified by \code{model.list}
#' and/or \code{type}.  The value of \code{chat} is used by
#' \code{\link{model.table}} for model selection in computing QAICc unless
#' \code{chat=1}.  It is also used in \code{\link{summary.mark}},
#' \code{\link{get.real}} and \code{\link{compute.real}} to adjust standard
#' errors and confidence intervals. Note that the standard errors and
#' confidence intervals in \code{results$beta},\code{results$beta.vcv}
#' \code{results$real}, \code{results$derived} and \code{results$derived.vcv}
#' are not modified and always assume \code{chat=1}.
#' It can also be used to modify a field in \code{model$results} such as
#' \code{n} which is ESS (effective sample size) from MARK output that is used
#' in AICc/QAICc calculations.
#' @aliases adjust.chat adjust.value
#' @usage adjust.value(field="n",value,model.list)
#'        adjust.chat(chat=1,model.list)
#' @param field Character string containing name of the field; either
#' \code{chat} or a field in \code{model$results} such as \code{n} for sample
#' size used in AICc or QAICc
#' @param value new value for field
#' @param chat Over-dispersion scale
#' @param model.list marklist created by the function
#' \code{\link{collect.models}} which has each model object and a
#' \code{model.table} at the end. For the entire collection of models each
#' \code{chat} is adjusted. If the argument type is specified the collected
#' models are limited to mark analyses with that specific type of model ("CJS")
#' @return model.list with all models given the new chat value and model.table
#' adjusted for chat values
#' @note See note in \code{\link{collect.models}}
#' @author Jeff Laake
#' @export adjust.chat adjust.value
#' @seealso \code{\link{model.table}}, \code{\link{summary.mark}},
#' \code{\link{get.real}} ,\code{\link{compute.real}}
#' @keywords utility
#' @examples
#' #
#' # The following are examples only to demonstrate selecting different 
#' # model sets for adjusting chat and showing model selection table. 
#' # It is not a realistic analysis.
#' #
#' \donttest{
#' # This example is excluded from testing to reduce package check time
#' data(dipper)
#' do_example=function()
#' {
#' mod1=mark(dipper,delete=TRUE)
#' mod2=mark(dipper,model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time)),delete=TRUE)
#' mod3=mark(dipper,model="POPAN",initial=1,delete=TRUE)
#' cjs.results=collect.models(type="CJS")
#' cjs.results  # show model selection results for "CJS" models
#' }
#' cjs.results=do_example()
#' cjs.results
#' # adjust chat for all models to 2
#' cjs.results=adjust.chat(2,cjs.results) 
#' cjs.results
#' }
adjust.value <- function(field="n",value,model.list)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# adjust.value  - adjusts values of field in model list for a collection of models
# Arguments:
# field         - name of field chat, n etc
# value         - new value of field
# model.list    - a marklist created by collect.models
# Value:  
#  model.list with all models given the new chat value and model.table adjusted for chat values
# Functions used: collect.model.names
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If no model list specified, collect models from parent.frame; if
# model.list is a list created by collect.models
   stop("A model.list must be given")
# For each model in the list store the new value of chat in it.
for (i in 1:length(model.list))
# Next recreate model.table

adjust.chat <- function(chat=1,model.list)

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RMark documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 1:05 a.m.