measureit.default: Performance Metrics of Binary Classifier

View source: R/measureit.R

measureit.defaultR Documentation

Performance Metrics of Binary Classifier


This function computes various performance metrics at different cutoff values.


## Default S3 method:
  negref = NULL,
  measure = c("ACC", "SENS"),
  step = FALSE,
  ... = NULL



An numeric array of diagnostic score.


An array of equal length of score, containing the class of the observations.


The reference value, same as the reference in convertclass. Depending on the class of x, it can be numeric or character type. If specified, this value is converted to 0 and other is converted to 1. If NULL, reference is set alphabetically.


The performance metrics to be evaluated. See "Details" for available options.


Logical, default in FALSE.The algorithm used in measureit first rank orders the data and calculates TP, FP, TN, FN by treating all predicted up to certain level as positive. If step is TRUE, then these numbers are evaluated for all the observations, regardless of tie in the data. If step is FALSE, only one set of stats are retained for a single value of D.


NULL. Used for S3 generic/method consistency.


Various performance metrics for binary classifier are available that are cutoff specific. For a certain cutoff value, all the observations having score equal or greater are predicted as positive. Following metrics can be called for via measure argument:

  • ACC: Overall accuracy of classification = P(Y = \hat{Y}) = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + TN + FN)

  • MIS: Misclassification rate = 1 - ACC

  • SENS: Sensitivity = P(\hat{Y} = 1|Y = 1) = TP / (TP + FN)

  • SPEC: Specificity = P(\hat{Y} = 0|Y = 0) = TN / (TN + FP)

  • PREC: Precision = P(Y = 1| \hat{Y} = 1) = TP / (TP + FP)

  • REC: Recall. Same as sensitivity.

  • PPV: Positive predictive value. Same as precision

  • NPV: Positive predictive value = P(Y = 0| \hat{Y} = 0) = TN / (TN + FN)

  • TPR: True positive rate. Same as sensitivity.

  • FPR: False positive rate. Same as 1 - specificity.

  • TNR: True negative rate. Same as specificity.

  • FNR: False negative rate = P(\hat{Y} = 0|Y = 1) = FN / (FN +TP)

  • pDLR: Positive diagnostic likelihood ratio = TPR / FPR

  • nDLR: Negative diagnostic likelihood ratio = FNR / TNR

  • FSCR: F-score, defined as 2 * (PPV * TPR) / (PPV + TPR)

Exact match is required. If the values passed in the measure argument do not match with the available options, then ignored.


An object of class "measureit". By default it contains the followings:


Cutoff at which metrics are evaluated.


What portion of the observations fall on or above the cutoff.


Number of true positives, when the observations having score equal or greater than cutoff are predicted positive.


Number of false positives, when the observations having score equal or greater than cutoff are predicted positive.


Number of true negatives, when the observations having score equal or greater than cutoff are predicted positive.


Number of false negatives, when the observations having score equal or greater than cutoff are predicted positive.

When other metrics are called via measure, those also appear in the return in the order they are listed above.


The algorithm is designed for complete cases. If NA(s) found in either score or class, then removed.

Internally sorting is performed, with respect to the score. In case of tie, sorting is done with respect to class.


Riaz Khan,

See Also

measureit.rocit, print.measureit


logistic.model <- glm(factor(dtest)~chol+age+bmi,
                      data = Diabetes,family = "binomial")
class <- logistic.model$y
score <- logistic.model$fitted.values
# -------------------------------------------------------------
measure <- measureit(score = score, class = class,
                     measure = c("ACC", "SENS", "FSCR"))
plot(measure$ACC~measure$Cutoff, type = "l")
plot(measure$TP~measure$FP, type = "l")

ROCit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.