Man pages for RPANDA
Phylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion

add.gtsGeological time scale
ancestralEstimation of traits ancestral states.
Anolis.dataAnolis dataset
apply_prob_dttCalculates paleodiversity dynamics with the probabilistic...
BalaenopteridaeBalaenopteridae phylogeny
BGB.examplesBioGeoBEARS stochastic maps
BICompareIdentify modalities in a phylogeny
build_network.BipartiteEvolBuild the interaction network in BipartiteEvol
CalomysCalomys phylogeny
CaprimulgidaeThe _Caprimulgidae_ phylogeny.
Caprimulgidae_ClaDS2An example run of ClaDS2.
CetaceaCetacean phylogeny
Cetacea_cladesStochastic map of clade membership in Cetacean phylogeny
ClaDS0_exampleAn example run of ClaDS0.
co2co2 data since the Jurassic
co2_resco2 data since the beginning of the Cenozoic
coccolithophoreCoccolithophore diversity since the Jurassic
CreateClassObjectCreate class object
CreateGeobyClassObjectCreate merged biogeography-by-class object
CreateGeoObjectCreate biogeography object
CreateGeoObject_BioGeoBEARSCreate biogeography object using a stochastic map from...
createModelCreation of a PhenotypicModel
createModelCoevolutionCreation of a PhenotypicGMM
d13cd13c data since the Jurassic
define_species.BipartiteEvolBuild the phylogenies for BipartiteEvol
delineate_phylotypesAutomatic phylotypes delineation
div.modelsModel comparison of diversification models
div.ratesDiversification rates through time
fit_bdMaximum likelihood fit of the general birth-death model
fit_bd_backboneMaximum likelihood fit of the general birth-death model...
fit_bd_backbone_cMaximum likelihood fit of the general birth-death model...
fit_ClaDSFit ClaDS to a phylogeny
fit_ClaDS0Infer ClaDS0's parameter on a phylogeny
fit_coal_cstMaximum likelihood fit of the equilibrium model
fit_coal_varFit birth-death model using a coalescent approch
fit_envMaximum likelihood fit of the environmental birth-death model
fit_sgdMaximum likelihood fit of the SGD model
fit_t_compFits models of trait evolution incorporating competitive...
fit_t_comp_subgroupFits models of trait evolution incorporating competitive...
fit_t_envMaximum likelihood fit of the environmental model of trait...
fit_t_env_ouMaximum likelihood fit of the OU environmental model of trait...
fitTipDataMaximum likelihood estimators of a model's parameters
fitTipData-methods~~ Methods for Function 'fitTipData' ~~
fit_t_plHigh-dimensional phylogenetic models of trait evolution
fit_t_standardFits standard models of trait evolution incorporating known...
foraminiferaForaminifera diversity since the Jurassic
get.comb.shiftCombinations of shifts of diversification.
getDataLikelihoodLikelihood of tip trait values.
getDataLikelihood-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getDataLikelihood' ~~
getMAPS_ClaDSGets the Maximum A Posteriori for each ClaDS parameter
getMAPS_ClaDS0Gets the Maximum A Posteriori for each ClaDS0 parameter
get.sampling.fractionsSampling fractions of subclades
getTipDistributionDistribution of tip trait values.
getTipDistribution-methodsDistribution of tip trait values.
GICGeneralized Information Criterion (GIC) to compare models fit...
gic_criterionGeneralized Information Criterion (GIC) to compare models fit...
greenalgaeGreen algae diversity since the Jurassic
InfTempPaleotemperature data across the Cenozoic
JSDt_clusterClustering on the Jensen-Shannon distance between...
JSDtreeJensen-Shannon distance between phylogenies
JSDtree_clusterClustering of phylogenies
landplantLand plant diversity since the Jurassic
likelihood_bdLikelihood of a phylogeny under the general birth-death model
likelihood_bd_backboneLikelihood of a phylogeny under the general birth-death model...
likelihood_coal_cstLikelihood of a phylogeny under the equilibrium diversity...
likelihood_coal_varLikelihood of a birth-death model using a coalescent approch
likelihood_sgdLikelihood of a phylogeny under the SGD model
likelihood_subgroup_modelLikelihood of a dataset under models with biogeography fit to...
likelihood_t_DDLikelihood of a dataset under diversity-dependent models.
likelihood_t_DD_geogLikelihood of a dataset under diversity-dependent models with...
likelihood_t_envLikelihood of a dataset under environmental models of trait...
likelihood_t_MCLikelihood of a dataset under the matching competition model.
likelihood_t_MC_geogLikelihood of a dataset under the matching competition model...
lines.fit_t.envAdd to a plot line segments joining the phenotypic...
lines.fit_t_env.ouAdd to a plot line segments joining the phenotypic...
make_gen.BipartiteEvolCompute the genealogies for BipartiteEvol
mantel_testCompute Mantel test
mantel_test_nbpartnersCompute Mantel test
modelSelectionPhenotypic model selection from tip trait data.
modelSelection-methods~~ Methods for Function 'modelSelection' ~~
MPhiFFTA class used internally to compute ClaDS's likelihood
mycorrhizal_networkMycorrhizal network from La RĂ©union island
ostracodaOstracod diversity since the Jurassic
paleodivPaleodiversity through time
PhenotypicACDC-classClass '"PhenotypicACDC"'
PhenotypicADiag-classClass '"PhenotypicADiag"'
PhenotypicBM-classClass '"PhenotypicBM"'
PhenotypicDD-classClass '"PhenotypicDD"'
PhenotypicGMM-classClass '"PhenotypicGMM"'
PhenotypicModel-classClass '"PhenotypicModel"'
PhenotypicOU-classClass '"PhenotypicOU"'
PhenotypicPM-classClass '"PhenotypicPM"'
PhocoenidaePhocoenidae phylogeny
PhyllostomidaePhyllostomidae phylogeny
Phyllostomidae_generaPhylogenies of Phyllostomidae genera
phylosignal_networkCompute phylogenetic signal in a bipartite interaction...
phylosignal_sub_networkCompute clade-specific phylogenetic signals in a bipartite...
phyl.pca_plRegularized Phylogenetic Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
pi_estimatorCompute nucleotidic diversity (Pi estimator)
plot_BICompareDisplay modalities on a phylogeny.
plot_ClaDS0_chainsPlot the MCMC chains obtained when infering ClaDS0 parameters
plot_ClaDS_chainsPlot the MCMC chains obtained when infering ClaDS parameters
plot_ClaDS_phyloPlot a phylogeny with branch-specific values
plot_div.BipartiteEvolPlot the output of BipartiteEvol
plot_dttPlot diversity through time
plot_fit_bdPlot speciation, extinction & net diversification rate...
plot_fit_envPlot speciation, extinction & net diversification rate...
plot.fit_t.envPlot the phenotypic evolutionary rate through time estimated...
plot.fit_t_env.ouPlot the phenotypic evolutionary optimum through time...
plot_net.BipartiteEvolPlot the output of BipartiteEvol
plot_phylo_combPlot shifts of diversifcation on a phylogeny
plot_phylosignal_sub_networkPlot clade-specific phylogenetic signals in a bipartite...
plot_prob_dttPlot diversity through time with confidence intervals.
plot_spectRSpectral density plot of a phylogeny.
PosdefPositive definite symmetric matrices
prob_dttConfidence intervals of diversity through time
radiolariaRadiolaria diversity since the Jurassic
redalgaeRed algae diversity since the Jurassic
remove.modelRemoving a model from shift.estimates output
sealevelSea level data since the Jurassic
shift.estimatesEstimating clade-shifts of diversification
shifts_cetaceaCetacean shift.estimates results
silicaSilica data across the Cenozoic
sim.BipartiteEvolSimulation of the BipartiteEvol model
sim_ClaDSSimulation of the ClaDS model
sim.convergence.geoSimulation of trait data under the model of convergent...
sim.divergence.geoSimulation of trait data under the model of divergent...
sim_env_bdSimulate birth-death tree dependent on an environmental curve
sim_MCBDSimulation of macroevolutionary diversification under the...
sim_sgdAlgorithm for simulating a phylogenetic tree under the SGD...
sim_t_compRecursive simulation (root-to-tip) of competition models
sim_t_envRecursive simulation (root-to-tip) of the environmental model
sim_t_env_ouRecursive simulation (root-to-tip) of the OU environmental...
sim_t_tworegimeRecursive simulation (root-to-tip) of two-regime models
simulateTipDataTip trait simulation under a model of phenotypic evolution.
simulateTipData-methods~~ Methods for Function 'simulateTipData' ~~
simul.comb.shiftSimulating trees from shift.estimates() results to test model...
spectRSpectral density plot of a phylogeny
spectR_tSpectral density plot of phylogenetic trait data
taxo_cetaceaCetacean taxonomy
theta_estimatorCompute Watterson genetic diversity (Theta estimator)
RPANDA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:17 a.m.