
Defines functions dowiggles

Documented in dowiggles

dowiggles <-
function(AMAT, dt, dx )
    d = dim(AMAT)

        x = dx
        dx = x[2]-x[1]
        x = seq(from=0, by=dx, length=d[2])

    x = seq(from=0, by=dx, length=d[2])

    PM =  matsquiggle(AMAT, dt, dist = x, thick = .09, FLIP = TRUE, filcol=NA , tracecol="black", add=FALSE, PLOT=FALSE)

    tmax = d[1]*dt
    axis(1, pos=0)
    abline(h = 0, v=0)
    axis(3, at=x, pos=tmax)
    ##  abline(h = seq(from=0, to=PM$rx[2], by=0.1), col=grey(0.8))

    PM =  matsquiggle(AMAT, dt, dist = x, thick = .09, FLIP = TRUE, filcol=NA, tracecol="black", add=TRUE, PLOT=TRUE)


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