RSQLServer: RSQLServer

Description Details


Implements an R Database Interface (DBI) for SQL Server. Sybase may work, but to date has not been tested. You will need to have installed the Java Runtime Environment.


If you intend to use integrated security (Windows Authentication) to authenticate your server session, you will need to download jTDS and copy the native single sign on library (ntlmauth.dll) to any location on your system's PATH (e.g. Sys.getenv("PATH")). Full installation instructions are available in the README.SSO file in the jTDS download bundle. This functionality is unreliable in my testing, but it could just be my setup. I would recommend that that you fully specify your server and login credentials in the ~/sql.yaml file rather than using the single sign on library. See the example provided: system.file("extdata", "sql.yaml", package = "RSQLServer")

RSQLServer documentation built on June 20, 2017, 9:12 a.m.