#' @details This function requires having a character vector with one or more valid Report Suites specified.
#' @description Get whether Data Warehouse is enabled for the specified report suites.
#' @title Get Whether Data Warehouse is Enabled for a Report Suite(s)
#' @param reportsuite.ids Report suite id (or list of report suite ids)
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @return Data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' url <- GetDataWarehouseDisplay("your_report_suite")
#' url2 <- GetDataWarehouseDisplay(report_suites$rsid)
#' }
GetDataWarehouseDisplay <- function(reportsuite.ids) {
request.body <- c()
request.body$rsid_list <- reportsuite.ids
#Hack in locale, every method calls ApiRequest so this hopefully works
#Set encoding to utf-8 as well; if someone wanted to do base64 they are out of luck
request.body$locale <- unbox(AdobeAnalytics$SC.Credentials$locale)
request.body$elementDataEncoding <- unbox("utf8")
response <- ApiRequest(body=toJSON(request.body),"ReportSuite.GetDataWarehouseDisplay")
#Don't even know if this is possible, holdover from GetSegments code
if(length(response$data_warehouse_display[[1]]) == 0) {
return(print("DW not defined For This Report Suite"))
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