
context("cloudMask and cloudShadowMask" )


test_that("cloud and shadow masking works", {
			expect_is(cldmsk  <- cloudMask(lsat, blue = 1, tir = 6), "SpatRaster")
			expect_is(cldmsk_final <- cloudMask(cldmsk, threshold = 0.1, buffer = 5), "SpatRaster")
			expect_equivalent(names(cldmsk), c("CMASK", "NDTCI"))
			expect_equivalent(names(cldmsk_final), c("CMASK", "NDTCI"))
			expect_is(shadow <- cloudShadowMask(lsat, cldmsk_final, shiftEstimate = c(-16, -6)), "SpatRaster")
			expect_is(c(lsat, cldmsk_final, shadow), "SpatRaster", label = "img, cloud and shadow rasters do not fit to each other")

## TODO: How to unit test interactive components?

Try the RStoolbox package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RStoolbox documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.