

r <- rast(val = 0, ncol = 2, nrow = 10)
r1 <- r2 <- c(r, r)
s <- 4
x <- c(0,s,s,s,0,-s,-s,-s, NA, 0)
y <- c(s,s,0,-s,-s,-s,0,s, 0, NA)
r2[[1]][] <- c(x, x + sign(x)*2)
r2[[2]][] <- c(y, y + sign(y)*2)

expectedDf <- as.matrix(data.frame(angle = c(0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315,NA,NA),
                magnitude = c(rep(c(s, sqrt(2*s^2)), 4), NA,NA, rep(c((2+s), sqrt(2*(2+s)^2)), 4), NA,NA)))

test_that("angles and magnitudes are correct (incl. NA treatment)", {
	expect_is(cva <- rasterCVA(r1,r2, tmf = 0), "SpatRaster")
	expect_equal(cva[], expectedDf)

test_that("angles and magnitudes are correct (incl. NA treatment)", {
			expect_is(cva <- rasterCVA(r1,r2), "SpatRaster")
			expect_is(cva <- rasterCVA(r1,r2, nct = 0.7), "SpatRaster")
			expect_is(cva <- rasterCVA(r1,r2, tmf = 0.7), "SpatRaster")
			tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext=".tif")
			expect_is(cva <- rasterCVA(r1,r2, nct = 0.7, filename=tmpfile), "SpatRaster")

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RStoolbox documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.