
#' Restore R Session from Source Files
#' This function restores local objects within the current \R session.
#' @param path character.
#'   Directory pathname; if missing a folder browser pop up dialog box is implemented.
#' @param save.objs character.
#'   Vector of local object names.
#'   These objects will be preserved during the recompiling process.
#' @param fun.call character.
#'   Name of the function to call after restoring the session (optional).
#' @return Used for the side-effect of an updated \R session compiled from source code files (\file{.R})
#'   located in \code{path} and its recursive directories.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @seealso \code{\link{list.files}}, \code{\link{source}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   RestoreSession()
#' }

RestoreSession <- function(path, save.objs, fun.call) {

  if (missing(path)) {
    if (exists("Data")) {
      initial.dir <- getwd()
      if("R" %in% dir(path=initial.dir, full.names=FALSE))
        initial.dir <- file.path(initial.dir, "R")

      txt <- "Choose R Source Directory..."
      path <- tcltk::tkchooseDirectory(initialdir=initial.dir, title=txt)
      path <- tcltk::tclvalue(path)
      if (!nzchar(path)) return()

      Data("default.dir", path)
    } else {
      path <- file.path(getwd(), "R")
      if (!file.exists(path)) return()

  if (missing(save.objs)) save.objs <- NULL

  all.objs <- ls(all.names=FALSE, envir=as.environment(1))
  cur.objs <- all.objs[!all.objs %in% save.objs]

  r.files <- list.files(path, pattern="[.][R]$", full.names=TRUE,
                        recursive=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)

  rm(list=cur.objs, envir=as.environment(1))

  err.msg <- "\n"

  for (i in r.files) {
    file.name <- substr(basename(i), 1L, nchar(basename(i)) - 2L)
    if (!file.name %in% save.objs) {
      ans <- try(source(i), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(ans, "try-error"))
        err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, i, "\n", ans)
        cat(i, "\n")


  if (!missing(fun.call)) eval(parse(text=fun.call))()

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RSurvey documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:28 p.m.