## RUnit : A unit test framework for the R programming language
## Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Thomas Koenig, Matthias Burger, Klaus Juenemann
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
## $Id$
printTextProtocol <- function(testData,
fileName = "",
separateFailureList = TRUE,
showDetails = TRUE,
traceBackCutOff=9) {
## Report generator
## Extracts the log information stored in the 'RUnitTestData' test run object
## and generates a well formated protocol output.
##@in testData : [RUnitTestData] S3 class object
##@in fileName : [character] string, full path + file name to be written to
##@in separateFailureList : [logical] if TRUE (default) add a failure list
##@in showDetails : [logical] if TRUE (default) add detailed traceback for each error incurred
##@in traceBackCutOff : [integer] number of steps back in the trace back stack to display
##@ret : [logical] TRUE if execution completed without error
##@codestatus : testing
## preconditions
if (!is(testData, "RUnitTestData")) {
stop("Argument 'testData' must be of class 'RUnitTestData'.")
if (!is.character(fileName)) {
stop("Argument 'fileName' has to be of type character.")
if (length(fileName) != 1) {
stop("Argument 'fileName' must contain exactly one element.")
if (!is.logical(separateFailureList)) {
stop("Argument 'separateFailureList' has to be of type logical.")
if (length(separateFailureList) != 1) {
stop("Argument 'separateFailureList' must contain exactly one element.")
if (!is.logical(showDetails)) {
stop("Argument 'showDetails' has to be of type logical.")
if (length(showDetails) != 1) {
stop("Argument 'showDetails' must contain exactly one element.")
if (!is.numeric(traceBackCutOff)) {
stop("Argument 'traceBackCutOff' has to be of type logical.")
if (length(traceBackCutOff) != 1) {
stop("Argument 'traceBackCutOff' must contain exactly one element.")
if (traceBackCutOff < 0 || traceBackCutOff > 100) {
stop("Argument 'traceBackCutOff' out of valid range [0, 100].")
## just a convenience function
pr <- function(..., sep=" ", nl=TRUE) {
if(nl) {
cat(... , "\n", file = fileName, append=TRUE, sep=sep)
} else {
cat(... , file = fileName, append=TRUE, sep=sep)
## get singular or plural right
sop <- function(number, word, plext="s") {
ifelse(number == 1, paste(number, word),
paste(number, paste(word, plext, sep="")))
## header part
cat("RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL --", date(), "\n", file = fileName)
if(length(testData) == 0) {
pr("no test cases :-(")
errInfo <- getErrors(testData)
pr("Number of test functions:", errInfo$nTestFunc)
if(errInfo$nDeactivated > 0) {
pr("Number of deactivated test functions:", errInfo$nDeactivated)
pr("Number of errors:", errInfo$nErr)
pr("Number of failures:", errInfo$nFail, "\n\n")
## summary of test suites
pr(sop(length(testData), "Test Suite"), ":")
for(tsName in names(testData)) {
pr(tsName, " - ", sop(testData[[tsName]]$nTestFunc, "test function"), ", ",
sop(testData[[tsName]]$nErr, "error"), ", ",
sop(testData[[tsName]]$nFail, "failure"), sep="")
if(separateFailureList && (testData[[tsName]]$nErr + testData[[tsName]]$nFail > 0)) {
srcFileRes <- testData[[tsName]][["sourceFileResults"]]
for(i in seq_along(srcFileRes)) {
testFuncNames <- names(srcFileRes[[i]])
for(j in seq_along(testFuncNames)) {
funcList <- srcFileRes[[i]][[testFuncNames[j]]]
if(funcList$kind == "error") {
pr("ERROR in ", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg, nl=FALSE, sep="")
} else if(funcList$kind == "failure") {
pr("FAILURE in ", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg,
sep="", nl=FALSE)
} else if(funcList$kind == "deactivated") {
pr("DEACTIVATED ", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg,
sep="", nl=FALSE)
## if no details are required, we are done.
if(!showDetails) {
## loop over all test suites
for(tsName in names(testData)) {
tsList <- testData[[tsName]]
pr("Test Suite:", tsName)
pr("Test function regexp:", tsList$testFuncRegexp)
pr("Test file regexp:", tsList$testFileRegexp)
if(length(tsList$dirs) == 0) {
pr("No directories !")
} else {
if(length(tsList$dirs) == 1) {
pr("Involved directory:")
} else {
pr("Involved directories:")
for(dir in tsList$dirs) {
res <- tsList$sourceFileResults
testFileNames <- names(res)
if(length(res) == 0) {
pr("no test files")
} else {
## loop over all source files
for(testFileName in testFileNames) {
testFuncNames <- names(res[[testFileName]])
if(length(testFuncNames) > 0) {
pr("Test file:", testFileName)
## loop over all test functions in the test file
for(testFuncName in testFuncNames) {
testFuncInfo <- res[[testFileName]][[testFuncName]]
if(testFuncInfo$kind == "success") {
pr(testFuncName, ": (",testFuncInfo$checkNum, " checks) ... OK (",
testFuncInfo$time, " seconds)", sep="")
} else {
if(testFuncInfo$kind == "error") {
pr(testFuncName, ": ERROR !! ", sep="")
} else if (testFuncInfo$kind == "failure") {
pr(testFuncName, ": FAILURE !! (check number ",
testFuncInfo$checkNum, ")", sep="")
} else if (testFuncInfo$kind == "deactivated") {
pr(testFuncName, ": DEACTIVATED, ", nl=FALSE)
} else {
pr(testFuncName, ": unknown error kind", sep="")
pr(testFuncInfo$msg, nl=FALSE)
if(length(testFuncInfo$traceBack) > 0) {
pr(" Call Stack:")
if(traceBackCutOff > length(testFuncInfo$traceBack)) {
pr(" (traceBackCutOff argument larger than length of ",
"trace back: full trace back printed)")
for(i in 1:length(testFuncInfo$traceBack)) {
pr(" ", i, ": ", testFuncInfo$traceBack[i], sep="")
} else {
for(i in traceBackCutOff:length(testFuncInfo$traceBack)) {
pr(" ", 1+i-traceBackCutOff, ": ",
testFuncInfo$traceBack[i], sep="")
## return type
print.RUnitTestData <- function(x, ...)
## Generic print method
##@in x : [RUnitTestData] S3 class object
##@in ... : [ANY] currently ignored
##@ret : [NULL]
##@codestatus : untested
errInfo <- getErrors(x)
cat("Number of test functions:", errInfo$nTestFunc, "\n")
if(errInfo$nDeactivated > 0) {
cat("Number of deactivated test functions:", errInfo$nDeactivated, "\n")
cat("Number of errors:", errInfo$nErr, "\n")
cat("Number of failures:", errInfo$nFail, "\n")
summary.RUnitTestData <- function(object, ...)
## Generic summary method
##@in object : [RUnitTestData] S3 class object
##@in ... : [ANY]
##@ret : [logical] return valof from printTextProtocol
##@codestatus : untested
printTextProtocol(object, ...)
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