
Defines functions rx_end_capture rx_begin_capture

Documented in rx_begin_capture rx_end_capture

#' Begin a capture group.
#' @details Capture groups are used to extract data from within the regular
#' expression match for further processing.
#' @param .data Expression to append, typically pulled from the pipe \code{ \%>\% }
#' @export
rx_begin_capture <- function(.data = NULL) {
  new_rx(paste0(.data, "("))

#' End a capture group.
#' @details Capture groups are used to extract data from within the regular
#' expression match for further processing.
#' @param .data Expression to append, typically pulled from the pipe \code{\%>\%}
#' @export
rx_end_capture <- function(.data = NULL) {
  new_rx(paste0(.data, ")"))

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RVerbalExpressions documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:47 a.m.