Man pages for RVsharing
Probability of Sharing Rare Variants among Relatives

compute.kinship.prop.coefRatio of excess kinship among descendants over mean kinship...
ex.ped.matExample genotype data
GeneDropGene Dropping method
GeneDropSim.allsubsets.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
GeneDropSimExcessSharing.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
GeneDropSim.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
get.psubsetProbability of sharing of rare variants in a subset of...
ped2trioConversion of a 'pedigree' object into a list of trio objects
ped.listExample pedigrees
RVgeneProbability of sharing of rare variants in a family sample...
RVgene_allshareProbability of sharing of rare variants among all affected...
RVsharingProbability of sharing a rare variant among relatives
RVsharingProbRVsharingProb Class
TrioTrio Class
RVsharing documentation built on May 29, 2017, 6:14 p.m.