
Defines functions classify

Documented in classify

#'  Classification Function
#'  The classify() function allows the user to combine the task of random projection based dimension reduction
#'  and classification within a single function. The dimension of the training data and test data was reduced
#'  by the  value returned from the dimension() method. Then the projection matrix was generated using
#'  form_matrix() function based on the input paramater "projection".Then the training data and test data was
#'  projected into the low dimensional space by multiplying with the projection matrix. At last the reduced matrix
#'  was given to the classifier. The confusion matrix is the output of the classifier where we can calculate
#'  the performance of the classifier.
#' @param train_data - Training data of either matrix or data frame
#' @param test_data - Test data of either matrix or data frame
#' @param train_label - Training label of either vector or data frame
#' @param test_label - Test label of either vector or data frame
#' @param eps - Epsilon with default 0.1
#' @param projection - projection function with default "gaussian"
#' @param classifier - classifier with default "knn"
#' @details
#'  The parameters train_data,test_data,train_label and test_label are mandatory arguments. The eps is the error
#'  tolerance paramater. The value of eps must be \eqn{0.0<eps<1.0}. The default value of eps is 0.1 that means 10 percentage of
#'  error is acceptable during projection. The supported projection functions are gaussian, probability, li, and
#'  achlioptas.The default projection method is "gaussian". The complete detail of the projection function is given in
#'  form_matrix() function. The final argument "classifier" in the function defines the classifier to train the model.
#'  The supported classifier for classification task are
#'  "knn" - k-nearest neighbor classification
#'  "svmlinear" - Support Vector Machine
#'  "nb" - Naive Bayes Classifier
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @import caret
#' @import e1071
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Library
#' library(RandPro)
#' #Load Iris Data
#' data("iris")
#' #Split the data into training set and test set of 75:25 ratio.
#' set.seed(101)
#' sample <- sample.int(n = nrow(iris), size = floor(.75*nrow(iris)), replace = FALSE)
#' trainn <- iris[sample, ]
#' testt  <- iris[-sample,]
#' #Extract the train label and test label
#' trainl <- trainn$Species
#' testl <- testt$Species
#' typeof(trainl)
#' #Remove the label from training set and test set
#' trainn <- trainn[,1:4]
#' testt <- testt[,1:4]
#' #classify the Iris data with default K-NN Classifier.
#' res <- classify(trainn,testt,trainl,testl)
#' res
#' @keywords classification feature_extraction k-nn svm confusion_matrix 
#' @return Confusion Matrix
#' @author Aghila G
#' @author Siddharth R
#' @references [1] Cannings, T. I. and Samworth, R. J. "Random projection ensemble classification(2015)".
#' @references [2] Ella Bingham and Heikki Mannila, "Random projection in dimensionality reduction: Applications to image and text data(2001)".
#   Build and Reload Package:  'Ctrl + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Ctrl + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Ctrl + Shift + T'

classify <- function(train_data,test_data,train_label,test_label,eps=0.1,projection="gaussian",classifier="knn")
  train <-train_data
  test <-test_data
  j<- ncol(train)
  class <- train_label
    train <- as.matrix(train)
    colnames(train) <- NULL
    rownames(train) <- NULL
    test <- as.matrix(test)
    colnames(test) <- NULL
    rownames(test) <- NULL
    stop("The Number of rows/columns should be greater than zero in training set and test set")
    stop("The Number of columns in training set and test set must be same")
      message("Function uses default value 0.5 for epsilon")

    rmat <- form_matrix(j,k,FALSE,projection = projection)
  ftrain <- train %*% rmat
  ftest <- test %*% rmat

  ftrain <- as.data.frame(cbind(ftrain,class))
  ftest <- as.data.frame(ftest)

  ftrain[["class"]] <- factor(class)

    message("Function uses default K-NN classifier")
    fit <- train(class~.,ftrain,method=classifier)
    pred <- predict(fit,ftest)

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RandPro documentation built on July 19, 2020, 5:06 p.m.