0RandVar-package: Implementation of Random Variables

Description Details Package versions Author(s) References See Also Examples


Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods.


Package: RandVar
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2020-01-18
Depends: R(>= 3.4), methods, distr(>= 2.8.0), distrEx(>= 2.8.0)
Imports: startupmsg
ByteCompile: yes
License: LGPL-3
URL: http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
VCS/SVNRevision: 1228

Package versions

Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" information.


Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de,
Matthias Kohl Matthias.Kohl@stamats.de
Maintainer: Matthias Kohl matthias.kohl@stamats.de


M. Kohl (2005). Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness. Dissertation. University of Bayreuth.

See Also

distr-package, distrEx-package



Example output

Loading required package: distr
Loading required package: startupmsg
:startupmsg>  Utilities for Start-Up Messages (version 0.9.4)
:startupmsg>  For more information see ?"startupmsg",
:startupmsg>  NEWS("startupmsg")

Loading required package: sfsmisc
Loading required package: SweaveListingUtils
:SweaveListingUtils>  Utilities for Sweave Together with
:SweaveListingUtils>  TeX 'listings' Package (version
:SweaveListingUtils>  0.7.7)
:SweaveListingUtils>  NOTE: Support for this package
:SweaveListingUtils>  will stop soon.
:SweaveListingUtils>  Package 'knitr' is providing the
:SweaveListingUtils>  same functionality in a better
:SweaveListingUtils>  way.
:SweaveListingUtils>  Some functions from package 'base'
:SweaveListingUtils>  are intentionally masked ---see
:SweaveListingUtils>  SweaveListingMASK().
:SweaveListingUtils>  Note that global options are
:SweaveListingUtils>  controlled by
:SweaveListingUtils>  SweaveListingoptions() ---c.f.
:SweaveListingUtils>  ?"SweaveListingoptions".
:SweaveListingUtils>  For more information see
:SweaveListingUtils>  ?"SweaveListingUtils",
:SweaveListingUtils>  NEWS("SweaveListingUtils")
:SweaveListingUtils>  There is a vignette to this
:SweaveListingUtils>  package; try
:SweaveListingUtils>  vignette("ExampleSweaveListingUtils").

Attaching package: 'SweaveListingUtils'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    library, require

:distr>  Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions (version
:distr>  2.6.2)
:distr>  Attention: Arithmetics on distribution objects are
:distr>  understood as operations on corresponding random variables
:distr>  (r.v.s); see distrARITH().
:distr>  Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked
:distr>  ---see distrMASK().
:distr>  Note that global options are controlled by distroptions()
:distr>  ---c.f. ?"distroptions".
:distr>  For more information see ?"distr", NEWS("distr"), as well as
:distr>    http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
:distr>  Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package as
:distr>  well as to several extension packages; try
:distr>  vignette("distr").

Attaching package: 'distr'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    df, qqplot, sd

Loading required package: distrEx
:distrEx>  Extensions of Package 'distr' (version 2.6.1)
:distrEx>  Note: Packages "e1071", "moments", "fBasics" should be
:distrEx>  attached /before/ package "distrEx". See
:distrEx>  distrExMASK().Note: Extreme value distribution
:distrEx>  functionality has been moved to
:distrEx>        package "RobExtremes". See distrExMOVED().
:distrEx>  For more information see ?"distrEx", NEWS("distrEx"), as
:distrEx>  well as
:distrEx>    http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
:distrEx>  Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package
:distrEx>  as well as to several related packages; try
:distrEx>  vignette("distr").

Attaching package: 'distrEx'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, median, var

:RandVar>  Implementation of Random Variables (version 1.0.1)
:RandVar>  For more information see ?"RandVar", NEWS("RandVar"), as
:RandVar>  well as
:RandVar>    http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
:RandVar>  This package also includes a vignette; try
:RandVar>  vignette("RandVar").

RandVar documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 1:14 a.m.