fncCoinKruskalWallisTest <- function(){
initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Kruskal-Wallis Test"))
variablesFrame <- tkframe(top) #
groupBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), title=gettextRcmdr("Groups\n(select one)"))
responseBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Numeric(), title=gettextRcmdr("Response Variable\n(select one)"))
blockBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), title="Block\n(select none or one)") #
onOK <- function(){
group <- getSelection(groupBox)
if (length(group) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinKruskalWallisTest, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a groups variable."))
response <- getSelection(responseBox)
if (length(response) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinKruskalWallisTest, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
block <- getSelection(blockBox) #
if (length(block) > 0) {
if (block == group) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinKruskalWallisTest, message=gettextRcmdr("The group and block variables must be different."))
strLineBlock = paste(" | ", block, " ", sep="") #
} else {
strLineBlock = "" #
#alternative <- as.character(tclvalue(alternativeVariable))
subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable) #
subset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) "" else paste(", subset=", subset, sep="") #
maxpts <- as.integer(tclvalue(asymptoticMaxpts))
abseps <- as.double(tclvalue(asymptoticAbseps))
releps <- as.double(tclvalue(asymptoticReleps))
replications <- as.integer(tclvalue(approximateReplications))
strExactOption = ""
test <- as.character(tclvalue(testVariable))
.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
doItAndPrint(paste("tapply(", paste(.activeDataSet,"$", response, sep=""),
", ", paste(.activeDataSet,"$", group, sep=""), ", median, na.rm=TRUE)", sep=""))
if (test == "default"){
doItAndPrint(paste("kruskal_test(", response, " ~ ", group, strLineBlock, ", data=", .activeDataSet, subset, ")", sep=""))
} else if (test == "asympt"){
doItAndPrint(paste("kruskal_test(", response, " ~ ", group, strLineBlock, ", data=", .activeDataSet, subset,
", distribution=asymptotic(maxpts = ", maxpts, ", abseps = ", abseps, ", releps = ", releps, " ) )", sep=""))
} else {
doItAndPrint(paste("kruskal_test(", response, " ~ ", group, strLineBlock, ", data=", .activeDataSet, subset,
", distribution=approximate(B = ", replications, " ) )", sep=""))
# code from coin package examples:
### Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test (joint ranking)
### Hollander & Wolfe (1999), page 244
### (where Steel-Dwass results are given)
justDoIt(paste("NDWD <- oneway_test(", response," ~ ", group, block, ", data = ", .activeDataSet, ",
ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank),
xtrafo = function(data) trafo(data, factor_trafo = function(x)
model.matrix(~x - 1) %*% t(contrMat(table(x), 'Tukey'))),
teststat = 'max', distribution = approximate(B = 90000))", sep=""))
### global p-value
pNDWD = pvalue(NDWD)
logger(paste("Global p-value (distribution = approximate(B = 90000)):", pNDWD, sep=""))
### sites (I = II) != (III = IV) at alpha = 0.01 (page 244)
logger("Pairwise comparisons of groups:")
doItAndPrint("pvalue(NDWD, method = 'single-step')")
optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
radioButtons(optionsFrame, name="test", buttons=c("default", "asympt", "approx"),
labels=c("Default", "Asymptotic", "Approximate"),
title=gettextRcmdr("Type of Test"))
distributionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
#radioButtons(distributionsFrame, name="exactbuttons", buttons=c("Default", "Shift", "SplitUp"), values=c("default", "shift", "split-up"), labels=c("Default", "Shift", "Split-up"), title="Exact options")
asymptoticFrame <- tkframe(distributionsFrame) #
asymptoticMaxptsFrame <- tkframe(asymptoticFrame) #
asymptoticMaxpts <- tclVar("25000") #
asymptoticMaxptsField <- ttkentry(asymptoticMaxptsFrame, width="6", textvariable=asymptoticMaxpts) #
asymptoticAbsepsFrame <- tkframe(asymptoticFrame) #
asymptoticAbseps <- tclVar("0.001") #
asymptoticAbsepsField <- ttkentry(asymptoticAbsepsFrame, width="6", textvariable=asymptoticAbseps) #
asymptoticRelepsFrame <- tkframe(asymptoticFrame) #
asymptoticReleps <- tclVar("0") #
asymptoticRelepsField <- ttkentry(asymptoticRelepsFrame, width="6", textvariable=asymptoticReleps) #
approximateFrame <- tkframe(distributionsFrame) #
approximateReplications <- tclVar("1000") #
approximateField <- ttkentry(approximateFrame, width="6", textvariable=approximateReplications) #
pairwiseVariable <- tclVar("0")
pairwiseCheckBox <- tkcheckbutton(optionsFrame, variable=pairwiseVariable)
subsetBox() #
tkgrid(getFrame(groupBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text=" "), getFrame(responseBox), getFrame(blockBox), sticky="nw") #
tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky="nw") #
tkgrid(testFrame, sticky="nw") #
tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="w")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(distributionsFrame, text="Distribution options", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(asymptoticFrame, text="Asymptotic options", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(asymptoticMaxptsFrame, text="Max pts", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(asymptoticMaxptsField, sticky="w") #
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(asymptoticAbsepsFrame, text="Abs. err. tolerance", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(asymptoticAbsepsField, sticky="w") #
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(asymptoticRelepsFrame, text="Rel. err. tolerance", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(asymptoticRelepsField, sticky="w") #
tkgrid(asymptoticMaxptsFrame, asymptoticAbsepsFrame, asymptoticRelepsFrame, sticky="s") #
tkgrid(asymptoticFrame, sticky="nw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(approximateFrame, text="Approximate replications", fg="blue"),sticky="w") #
tkgrid(approximateField, sticky="w") #
tkgrid(approximateFrame, labelRcmdr(distributionsFrame, text=" "), sticky="nw") #
tkgrid(distributionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text="Pairwise comparisons of groups"), pairwiseCheckBox, sticky="w")
tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w") #
tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=2) #
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