
test_that("cdb_check_species works correctly", {
  species <- c("Primula vulgaris", "Trillium ovatum", "Homo sapiens")
  df1 <- cdb_check_species(Compadre, species)

  expect_s3_class(df1, "data.frame")
  expect_type(df1$in_db, "logical")
  expect_identical(nrow(df1), length(species))

  db1 <- cdb_check_species(Compadre, species, return_db = TRUE)

  expect_s4_class(db1, "CompadreDB")
  expect_true(all(db1$SpeciesAccepted %in% species))

test_that("cdb_check_species warns and fails gracefully", {
  species <- c("Primula vulgaris", "Trillium ovatum", "Homo sapiens")
  expect_error(cdb_check_species(Compadre@data, species))

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Rcompadre documentation built on Sept. 3, 2023, 1:07 a.m.